Page 17 of Red, White, and Ewe
"You're not that different. At your core, you're the same."
Cinnamon tapped Scarlet's arm. "And that, right there, is reason number one we won't date again."
"I don't understand." Confusion covered Scarlet's face. "What's so wrong with Kaleb that you wouldn't want to date him again?"
"I'm sure he's still a great guy. The few times we've spoken, I've enjoyed myself." Cinnamon inhaled a deep breath and slowly released it. "I need to have a say in what goes on in my life. When I was with your brother, I didn't."
"Sure, you did. You'd want pizza, he'd say okay." Scarlet flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Is that what you mean?"
"That's compromise. We did that for each other." Cinnamon squeezed her friend's hand. "Listen, if you want to know more about our relationship, you'll have to ask Kaleb. I think he'd be able to tell you what happened better than I could."
Scarlet blew out a big puff of air. "That's the problem. He won't tell me."
"Tell me about it," Cinnamon mumbled under her breath.
Scarlet leaned forward. "What's that?"
"Nothing." Cinnamon tugged her phone out of her purse, noticing the time. "I gotta go. I'll see you on Monday night."
"You don't start until Tuesday. You don't have to be at the farm early."
"It's okay." Cinnamon pulled her keys out of her pocket. "I like to get a head start on what I'm doing for the week. It'll give us time to go over how many guests will be arriving and when they will depart, so I'm not surprised."
"Fair enough." Scarlet pulled her into a hug. "Have a great time with Mayson tonight."
Cinnamon pulled away, surprised. "How'd you know it was him?"
"Doesn't take a genius to figure out when you two don't normally sit together at church. And the way he had his hand on your back," Scarlet wiggled her eyebrows, "well, let's just say that's a possessive move."
Cinnamon rolled her eyes. "Oh, brother. When did you become an expert on love?"
"When I found the man of my dreams." Scarlet giggled. She blew her a kiss and wound her way through the people milling about the lawn.
That girl. Cinnamon climbed into her car and drove the short distance to her home. While it wasn't a huge place to live, it was all hers. She hurried into the house, opening the windows to allow fresh air to cool down the place.
Scarlet's comment didn't leave her mind the short ride home nor as she bustled around the living room and dining room, preparing for Mayson's arrival.
At least she wasn't the only one Kaleb didn't share things with. Cinnamon understood keeping some details about himself private, even from his sister, but hisgirlfriend?The one he promised to marry oneday?
Cinnamon snorted as she turned on the ceiling fan above her dining room table. If there was one attribute of her future husband she was not going to budge on, it was open communication. She didn't want to be in the dark regarding his feelings. And she certainly wasn't going to be left out of major decisions.
No, if Kaleb was the same person he was when they were together, then he did not meet her requirements in a spouse. And she couldn't waste her time hoping he would change into that man.
Cinnamon pulled two glasses out of her cupboard and set them on the table. She didn't know if Mayson was that man, either, but at least she had an opportunity to find out.
Chapter Seven
Kaleb sank into his recliner, doing his best to appear at ease when, in truth, his insides were all jumbled.
Seeing Cinnamon sitting next to Mayson Ingram at church the day before grated on his nerves. Knowing they had a date scheduled that night and, to top it all off, he brought her lunch at her house, put Kaleb in a foul mood.
It shouldn't have. Cinnamon had every right to date other men. He had a right to date other women. Yet, no one drew him like her. He doubted anyone ever would.
Shane and Scarlet cuddled together on the sofa, irritating Kaleb even more. He didn't want his sister to be unhappy, but did they have to flaunt it in front of him?
Kaleb closed his eyes on the lovebirds and inhaled a deep, silent breath. The only way to get over his annoyance was to find someone who grabbed his attention, made him feel alive again. But who? He'd grown up with most of the women in town. None ignited a spark in him except Cinnamon.
"What's going on?" Grady's voice interrupted Kaleb's thoughts.