Page 22 of Red, White, and Ewe
Harper pulled a book from the shelves. "This is a good one." She held it out to Cinnamon. "You might want to consider reading it when you get engaged."
Cinnamon chuckled. "I have to get a boyfriend first. When the time comes, though, remind me, and I'll buy it right away."
"Good." Harper grinned and replaced the book. "We didn't read it until after we were married, but I'm glad we did. Kevin Leman is a good author when it comes to relationships."
"I was just going to ask you about books and if you and Noel read together."
"We do." Harper skimmed over the other books. "We think it's important to work on our relationship, even though we're newlyweds."
"That's smart." Cinnamon rounded the corner, laughter from a nearby table reaching her. She turned her head in the direction. Fingers gripped her heart and squeezed.
Kaleb leaned his elbows on a table, staring intently at a beautiful blond sitting across from him. Cinnamon's breath caught in her throat. She swallowed the lump forming. He had every right to be out with someone. After all, she just had a date with Mayson and planned on another.
"Hey, why'd you-oh." Harper tugged her out of Kaleb’s view. Tucked safely behind the bookshelf and out of view, Harper pulled her into an embrace. "I'm sorry."
"No need." Cinnamon returned her friend's hug and let go. "He has a right to be happy, too."
Harper peered around the corner. "Do you know who she is?"
Cinnamon swiped a wayward tear from her eye and laughed. "I can't tell looking at her from behind."
"That makes sense." Harper inched toward the end of the aisle. "Why don't we get out of here?"
Cinnamon sniffed and nodded. "Let's go."
They hurried out of the shop and down the street, just in case the woman and Kaleb left hand in hand. Yearning to be alone, Cinnamon said goodbye to Harper. She wasn't ready to process what she just saw out loud. Because truth be told, she felt like a hypocrite.
Kaleb wasn't tied to Cinnamon in any way, except as her current boss, and that would end when summer turned to fall. She had no say in who he went out with or if he went out at all. It didn't matter what her opinion was, but it hurt, nonetheless.
And it shouldn't. Not when she, herself, was spending time with Mayson in a romantic sense. Despite the fact their date was anything but romantic. Sure, he brought her flowers and took her to a nice restaurant. That didn't mean she had butterflies in her stomach when he glanced her way. When he complimented her, Cinnamon blushed, but not because she felt something for him.
Ugh. None of it made sense. Cinnamon shouldn't be torn between her old,veryold boyfriend, and a potential relationship. Especially since Kaleb didn't feel the same about her, and she had no idea what Mayson was thinking.
Cinnamon gathered her belongings for the week and tossed them in the back of her car. Climbing in, she buckled her seat belt, started the engine, andturned onworship music to soothe her aching heart. If she couldn't read the Bible, the least she could do was spend time in prayer and listen to songs that filled her soul.
Because the last person she wanted to see was going to be at her destination at some point. That thought alone sent her heart into overdrive.
Chapter Nine
Kaleb flipped his tablet open and clicked on the calendar. "Okay. We have a group coming in on Wednesday, and they'll stay until Saturday." He lifted his eyes, his gaze colliding with Cinnamon's. She dropped her gaze to her hands clasped in front of her at the dining room table without a word. She’d hardly spoken to him since she returned to the farm. Odd, since only a few days before, they were on speaking terms.
"That means you'll have Sunday and Monday off, Cin." Scarlet flashed her a smile. "Will that work for you?"
Cinnamon met Scarlet's eyes. "Yep. That's great. I liked having two days off in a row."
"And it appears we don't have another group after that until Wednesday, so feel free to come up on Tuesday night." Kaleb held his breath, waiting for one of her smiles to be tossed his way. When none came, he continued, "Let me know what you'll need from the store. I'm heading to town today to get more sheets for the cabins."
"I'd rather get the ingredients on my own, if you don't mind. It's better to do that just in case I see something I need at the last minute." While Cinnamon's words weren't clipped, they weren't filled with the warmth he'd grown used to in the week she'd been at the farm.
Kaleb wracked his brain, trying to remember any odd conversation they'd had before she left that may’ve been the cause for the change in her. None came to mind. "We can go together, then. It'll save on gas and time, I imagine."
A slight frown titled Cinnamon's lips down then disappeared. She dipped her head. "What time do you want to leave?"
"How about in an hour? Will that give you enough time to prepare a menu and a shopping list?"
Cinnamon stood. "If you don't need me, I can get started on that now and be ready when you are."
"Perfect. Thanks." Kaleb offered her a grin. She ducked her head and scurried out of the dining room.