Page 43 of Red, White, and Ewe
Mayson guided Cinnamon away from onlookers. "I didn't know you guys were in the shop."
"We received a note from one of your baristas asking for help."
"I figured as much. Kaleb's a hero, by the way." Mayson offered her a small smile, as if to reassure her of something.
"Where is he?"
"Some of the other policemen are seeing to his wound until the ambulance arrives." Mayson ran a hand through his thick hair.
Cinnamon felt like screaming but, instead, clenched her teeth and spoke through tight lips, "What happened? Quit stalling and tell me."
Mayson exhaled. "He burst through the door and surprised me and the guy holding the gun. He swung it at Kaleb. Once he saw him, he must've been trigger happy because he fired."
"Kaleb got shot?" Cinnamon's eyes widened. She sidestepped around Mayson, intending to see him.
The large man grabbed her shoulders and made her stop. "You can't go back there. They won't let you. I tried to stay behind, but they forced me out."
The blood left Cinnamon's face. She swayed on her feet. Mayson maneuvered her to sit down on the curb. "What happened after he was shot?" she whispered.
"He fell back and slammed his head on the filing cabinet. It was enough of a distraction for me to tackle the guy. I knocked him out and then grabbed his gun. Once the police arrived, his partner in crime realized he needed to give up."
Unbidden tears streamed down Cinnamon's face. "He's going to be okay, right?"
"I hope so. I'm not a doctor, and I wasn't able to get a good look at the wound." Mayson wrapped his arm around her.
Cinnamon leaned into his embrace, burying her face. Kaleb had to be alright. God wouldn't bring them together only to rip them apart, right? Her body shook. Mayson murmured unintelligible words, rubbing small circles on her back.
Time stood still as her thoughts threatened to steal her peace. Cinnamon raised her head. "I have to call Scarlet and Grady."
Mayson released her. "I can do it."
She shook her head. "No. You give the police your statement." Cinnamon stood, inhaling a shaky breath. She wiped off the back of her shorts and pulled out her phone from her back pocket.
Mayson towered over her. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'll tell them to meet us at the hospital."
Mayson dipped his head. "Alright. I'll be right over there."
Cinnamon nodded and clicked on Grady's name.
"Hey, Cinnamon. What's going on?" His joyful voice shot pain straight through her heart.
"Grady," she hiccuped his name, "there's been some trouble in town. Kaleb was caught in the crossfire."
"What?" Grady yelled. "What do you mean?"
Cinnamon conveyed the story to the best of her knowledge. "Mayson said he's been shot. I'm waiting to see what hospital they take him to."
"I'm on my way."
"Wait. You won't be able to get here. Your brother drove us to town. Meet me at my house, and we'll ride together," Cinnamon suggested.
"Okay. I'll bring Shane and Scarlet, too."
"Good. I'm going to speak with an officer. I'll see you in a few minutes." Cinnamon clicked the red button and shoved the phone back in her pocket. "Excuse me, sir." She tapped a man in a blue uniform on the shoulder. "What can you tell me about Kaleb Linden? Is he okay?"
"Who are you?"