Page 49 of Red, White, and Ewe
"I didn't keep everyone safe." Mayson shook his head. "Kaleb."
"Pfftt." Cinnamon waved her hand in front of her face. "You didn't even know we were in the shop. How could you keep him safe?"
"I feel guilty, is all." Mayson blew a long puff of air from pursed lips. "I wish none of it happened."
"I know. But it did. The question is, what are you going to do from this point on?" At his shrug, Cinnamon changed tactics. "How's business?"
"Busier than it’s ever been." A look of disbelief crossed his face. "Which I don't understand. Normally when things like this happen, people steer clear of the business. But not the folks in this town. It's as if they all decided to stop making their own coffee and purchase mine instead."
Love for her hometown warmed Cinnamon's heart. "They are good people. They probably don't know what to do for you except support your business now more than ever."
Mayson gave a slow nod. "That's true. They've been extra kind." Moisture filled the large man's eyes. Something Cinnamon hadn't seen before. Not that Mayson wasn't an emotional man. He shared his thoughts and feelings more than most men she knew, but she'd never once seen him shed a tear from the outpouring of love he received.
Cinnamon stood and, with great effort, pulled Mayson to his feet. "Come here." She opened her arms.
Mayson's arms dropped around her, his head resting on the top of hers. The poor guy seemed lost and shaken, more than he probably let on to those around him.
"Have you talked with a counselor about all of this?" Cinnamon asked against his chest.
She felt Mayson shake his head. "I haven't had the time. It's been overwhelming how much I have to get done in order to wrap this whole thing up." With a final squeeze, he let her go and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
"Promise me you'll talk to someone." Cinnamon squeezed his arm and took her seat.
"I promise." Mayson exhaled. "I can't believe how much this has been weighing on me. Thanks for listening."
"It's the least I can do." Cinnamon gave him a tight smile. "You're like a brother to me. I hate to see you struggling. Is there anything I can do for you?"
Mayson slumped on the couch. "No, but thanks. Now tell me how Kaleb's doing."
"He's healing and hates not being able to work." Cinnamon's smile grew. "I think it's good for him, though."
"Does he need anything?"
"Why don't you ask him?" Kaleb sauntered into the room, a grin on his face. "I heard voices, so I thought I'd come investigate."
Mayson rose from the couch and extended his hand. "Thank you for what you did at A Whole Latte of Love."
Cinnamon studied the two men, different as night and day, in both looks and personality, yet she loved them both dearly. Differently, but dearly.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do more." Kaleb released his hand and occupied the empty recliner. He motioned to the coffee on the table. "One of those for me?"
"It's the least I could do." Mayson offered him the beverage. "Thank you, seriously. I don't know what I would've done. And I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the hospital to visit you."
Kaleb snorted and brushed away his apology. "You had more important things to deal with. As you can see, I'm good."
"Aside from your arm in the sling." Mayson raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lip twitching.
"Well, there’s that." Kaleb laughed. "Seriously, though, I'm fine."
"Not what I heard in town. Someone told me your heart stopped." Mayson rested his elbows on his knees. "Is that true?"
Kaleb stretched his neck from side to side. He confided in Cinnamon he disliked not knowing why it happened, but he'd have to trust God with the answers. "Ah, the joys of living in a small town."
"Tellme about it. When Cinnamon and I decided we'd be better off as friends," Mayson gave a visible shudder, getting a snort out of Kaleb, "I had so many people give me looks of pity or a pat on the back, asking me how I was doing with you two getting back together."
Kaleb threw his head back and laughed. "That's hilarious. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"I kept insisting it was mutual. I doubt they believed me, though." Mayson chuckled. "But getting back to your heart. Are you okay?"