Page 19 of Pistol Perfect
Chapter 6
Well, that was awkward.
Mabel dropped the gun back in the case and said abruptly, “Close it!”
Jumping to her feet, she clasped her hand over her mouth as blood slowly stained the porch floor beside James’s feet.
Any thought she had that the man might actually be willing to marry her was shot.
Ugh. Terrible pun.
Mabel castigated herself for having that be her first thought. Her first thought should have been for his safety. But thankfully, it was his foot that seemed to have borne the brunt of her ineptitude. Thankfully.
“I am so sorry. I could have killed you. I should have known better than to touch it.”
She flew over and knelt down by his foot, her medical training coming to the forefront.
“I happen to know someone who is able to do stitches and can numb that up for you. I think it might be just a surface wound. Although, I’d really like to remove your shoe and sock and check it out. If you’ll let me?”
“I guess there are advantages to being shot by a vet,” James deadpanned.
She looked up at him. He didn’t seem angry. “Aren’t you going to yell at me?”
“Because I was careless. And stupid. And I shot you!” She said that last bit a little louder, becauseshe had shot a man.
“But it was an accident.” He limped over and sat down on the step.
“I’m sorry. You could have the swing.” Carol made as if to stand.
“Actually, it’s probably better for him to sit here. The steadier he is, the better.” Mabel removed his shoe as she spoke, and her heart pinched as he flinched at the pain.
She carefully pulled his sock down and slid that off as well.
How could she have shot the man she was hoping to ask to marry her? She had to be the most romantically challenged woman in the entire world.
Thankfully, as she pulled his sock off, she realized that the bullet hadn’t lodged in his foot, which she had to admit she was grateful for, since she didn’t have any experience in removing bullets from animals nor people.
Or porches. She glanced behind her. It was probably stuck in the wood somewhere. They could worry about that later, but it was one more mark against her. She’d ruined his porch floor in a way she never thought she would.
“I guess I didn’t give you the option to go to the emergency room. You can do that if you want to.” She didn’t usually take over like she just had and insist on using her medical skills on people.
Of course, she didn’t typically shoot people either.
This was all very new to her.
“I don’t enjoy hanging out in hospitals, so if you can take care of me here, that would be ideal.”