Page 32 of Pistol Perfect
Chapter 11
When James saw Mabelpulling into the drive, he was sorely tempted to go meet her. After all, wasn’t that what a man was supposed to do with his fiancée?
But he’d made a promise, so he made himself sit still.
He didn’t know how much time it normally took Mabel to make it through the house, but it was less than a minute later when she called out the door, “Hey! I’m home. I hope you don’t mind if I run up and take a shower quick? I need it.”
“Yeah. You’ve needed that since this morning.”
“Hey, I managed to get myself engaged today despite that.” She sounded affronted.
“Only because you shot the man and left him no choice.”
“Oh my goodness. Is that the way you’re telling the story now? With little regard for actual facts?”
He heard her laughing as her steps flew up the stairs.
He chuckled to himself. Of the many things he admired about Mabel, he hadn’t really thought much about her sense of humor. He was gratified to find she enjoyed laughing and was able to joke with him.
It was less than fifteen minutes later when she came back downstairs and pushed open the screen door.
“I know I should be helping Carol, but she told me to go shower and spend some time with you. That you’ve been sitting here all day and you’re probably bored out of your mind.”
“Well, I think I’m still in my mind, but she’s right about me being bored. But I made a promise, and I haven’t moved from this porch. Not even once.”
“Not even to go to the bathroom?” she asked incredulously.
“Actually, now that you mention it...”
“Oh my goodness. You turkey.”
“Well, I’ve had to go for a while, but I kind of figured that it would be nicer to put my arm around my fiancée than my aunt. So I convinced myself I could wait.”
“I think there was a compliment in there somewhere.”
“Oh, I know there was.” She’d already agreed to marry him. She was laughing and joking with him. And she didn’t seem inclined to change her mind. Maybe he could let her know just a little about how he felt.