Page 47 of Pistol Perfect
His words touched the spot deep in her heart, the one she didn’t even know needed that reassurance.
Maybe because her parents had always been too busy, or maybe because she lost them young. Or maybe it was just a need she had, but she appreciated the validation from James. Not just that he admired her, but that he was proud of her.
It helped her to believe that he meant what he said when he said that he didn’t mind at all. It was obvious he wasn’t angry.
“Thank you,” she said, looking across the seat at him.
“All right. I agree with you that we both need showers,” he said, grabbing the door latch and getting out.
She got out as well, and they walked in the house together, putting her things where she typically kept them in the mudroom, along with her shoes which weren’t dirty since she’d washed them off before they left. They were the ones that she reserved for vet calls.
Thankfully the old farmhouse had two full baths, and they were both able to shower and be back down in the kitchen in less than fifteen minutes.
Maybe she should have taken more time since it was her wedding night after all, but she would rather spend the time with him than getting ready for him. Hopefully he felt the same way.
So her hair was wet and tied loosely behind her since she was planning on cooking. And she just wore simple jeans and a T-shirt.
He came down dressed very much the same, although his hair was not long enough to put in a ponytail.
“I thought I would make us some eggs. Is that okay with you?” She hoped he didn’t want anything fancier than that. She didn’t think she could do it.
“All right. I’ll make toast,” he said, walking toward the drawer where they kept the bread.
She wished she would have asked him to make the eggs, because she was pretty sure she could make toast without burning it. Eggs, she wasn’t so sure about.
But she reached into the refrigerator and pulled the carton out.
“How would you like them?” she asked, then kicking herself for it. She should have just made scrambled eggs. She could probably do scrambled.
“Over easy is my favorite, but I’ll take them however you do them.”
“Over easy it is,” she said, hoping that the confidence she infused in her voice would show up in her actions as well since she’d never made eggs over easy in her life before.
She wasn’t even sure she could crack them without breaking the yolk.
“What do you think about getting our own chickens?” James asked as he pulled two pieces of bread out of the bag.
“I think that would be pretty awesome. I think the girls would love it too. Although, I assume that you would probably be taking care of them, right?”
She wasn’t sure. He had talked about being a stay-at-home dad, taking care of the girls, letting the business go. But they hadn’t made any firm decisions as far as she could tell.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I mean, yes, I would think that I would be taking care of pretty much everything around the house if we agree that I’ll sell the business and be here permanently, supporting you and raising our kids. I mean, I might dabble in a few things online, but nothing that would take me away from all of you.”
She wasn’t quite sure exactly what he thought he was going to get into online, but because of his talent in business, she figured it would probably be something profitable.
“I just don’t want you to feel trapped here. I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck. Or that you hate it and you want to do something else.”
“All right. I’ll keep that in mind. I guess I’ve never been home raising children, and I’ve never been on a farm before taking care of it for any length of time. But I have to admit I’m excited about all of it. I want to get started.”
“Tomorrow. I’m a little nervous.”
“I am too. But I’m just as excited as I am nervous.”
“That’s true for me too. I can’t wait to be a family. I can’t wait to get started doing the family things.”
“Doing family farm things. Having chickens, maybe getting a few other animals... Would that be okay?”
“As much as you want. I’m down for whatever.” She cracked the first egg in the bowl and didn’t break the yolk. What were the odds that she could do all four like that?