Page 50 of Pistol Perfect
She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his back. “Thank you for taking the time to make sure that I knew that. You... You might have to remind me. I know I’m going to need to remind myself too, especially when things happen that make me feel like I’m not enough.”
“Because you are enough,” he said, putting one of his hands over hers and using his other hand to flip the eggs. Perfectly, without breaking any of them.
She admired that.
They stood like that for a while, until her pieces of toast popped up, and she went over to butter them. Maybe this was what the rest of their marriage would be. For the rest of her life, she would have someone who reminded her of the truth when she forgot or when she knew it but wasn’t able to put it into practice in her life.
She appreciated having someone like that beside her.
With that thought, she realized that she wanted to be that person for him too. Maybe he didn’t need her, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t be ready in case there was some time, even in the far distant future, where he did.
When everything was ready, they carried the food to the table.
He sat at the head, and she sat to his right, and he prayed without comment before they started to eat.
It was a short prayer, but she was glad of it, glad that they were starting their marriage with a prayer for God’s blessing. She felt like they needed Him. Needed God’s blessing not just in their marriage but in their lives.
It was late by the time they finished and did the dishes, although they sat out on the porch swing for several hours, just talking about their day and how much they had enjoyed it. Glad that they hadn’t done a lot of stressful things that might have made the day more beautiful but also more difficult.
It was late when they went in and walked to the top of the stairs together. He leaned over, kissing her forehead and whispering good night, before she walked to her room.
She could feel his eyes on her back as she walked, and while she felt like it was too soon for her to move into his room tonight, she wondered what he would say if she suggested that very thing.
She kind of wanted to. But she didn’t. She stopped at the door, turned and waved, and then stepped in and closed the door behind her.
Chapter 17
It was not quite lightthe next day when James rolled over in bed.
He was smiling. He was married to Mabel. A dream come true. Yesterday had been the best day of his life. So far. He definitely expected more days just like that.
Although, of course he wasn’t so naïve as to believe that there wouldn’t be hard days as well. Of course there would be.
He was lying in bed, thinking about that, and not really wanting to get up and face the day, wanting to lie in bed and savor the memories, when he thought he heard a vehicle.
Was that what that sound was? Still a little groggy from sleep, it took him a few minutes to realize that it was indeed the sound of a motor running.