Page 1 of My Boss With Benefits
The seat belt jerks against my shoulder. My chest clenches painfully. I squirm in my seat and stare out the window, my vision starting to blur.
No. No, no, no… It's happening.
"Are you okay, Kyler?"
I barely register Mr. Huntington's deep voice over the rain pelting down on the roof of the rental car.
"Fine," I eke out.
I amnotfine.
I'm… Shit. I'm having a panic attack.
"I'll pull over." He's using his calm voice but it's not having the desired effect.
My heart is pounding, my breathing is short and shallow, and my throat feels like I've swallowed sandpaper.
We've spent five days in Florida and there hasn't been a single cloud in the sky. So of course it has to start raining as we leave for the airport. What started as a patter ten minutes ago is now a downpour.
The car comes to a halt. The windshield wipers are working overtime, but they're no match for the sudden rainstorm engulfing us.
Mr. Huntington doesn't say anything. I'm grateful for that. I need a moment to compose myself.
I dip my head, recalling a breathing technique I learned a few years ago. In for four, out for four. I do a few rounds. It helps. A little.
I thought the hardest part about attending an out-of-state conference with my boss who I'm secretly crushing on would be keeping a lid on my insane attraction for the man.
But instead, it'sthis.
My first panic attack in five years, my third one since the accident. Right in front of him. Just great. This is so embarrassing.
"There's a bottle of water in the center console." He manages to speak loudly enough so I hear him over the rain, but without shouting.Considerate.
Is there anything this man says or does that doesn't make my feelings for him grow even stronger? If there is, I haven't stumbled upon it in the nine months I've been his personal assistant.
"Thank you." I crack open the bottle and gulp down half of it in one go. Then I let out a small hiccup.Charming.
My breathing starts to return to normal, the tightness in my chest eases.
I look over at Mr. Huntington. His handsome face is lit up by the blue light of his phone. He's scrolling with one hand, maybe looking for a weather report, the other hand dragging through his neatly trimmed beard.
In addition to being a great boss, Miles Huntington is basically the perfect man. He's in his early forties. Super successful as the CFO for one of the country's largest investment funds. And he's nice, too. Even when he’s under pressure or stressed to the max, I've never seen him lose his cool. He's one of those people who can be softly spoken, yet still exude a commanding power.
He also checks off literally everything I'm into looks-wise. Tall. Medium-length brown hair that's just starting to go a little gray at the sides. He's got warm, chocolatey brown eyes, a friendly smile, and he's…well,hefty.
I've lost count of the number of times I've fantasized about him pinning me down under his body, hooking my legs around his meaty ass as he plows me into oblivion.
"The airport's closed." He keeps his eyes on his phone, not on me, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness. It's like he can sense the last thing I need is him seeing me like this.
"Why?" I pipe up.
"This rain." He looks straight ahead. "It's actually the start of a hurricane."
Isn't that just fucking wonderful?