Page 10 of The Duchess Effect
It had been unpleasant, but it could’ve been worse.
“I need to have Tasha send them a basket with some products. But none for Troy.” That fucker. Dani lifted a hand to massage her forehead before remembering and letting it fall to her side. “I can’t believe Cash has the nerve to call me a sellout?”
Dani looked at herself in the mirror every day. She was keenly aware that she was a Black woman, with all the beauty and baggage that entailed. In fact, she’d had an idea for a new marketing campaign based on staying true to oneself.
But as she’d learned with the Banks situation, there were always people out there willing to believe bad shit about her. How many people had heard what Cash said and believed it? All because of who she chose to love.
“Are you worried this will affect the Genesis deal?” Nyla asked.
“No! And that’s the last we’re going to speak on it. This isyournight and I’m so proud of you. Your first starring role in a major studio film!”
“Now they can add me to the list of Black actresses they call for all the roles. I can look forward to seeing Zendaya, Zazie Beetz, and Zoë Kravitz at all the auditions. I heard they have a group chat.” Nyla grinned ruefully. “If I change my name to Zora, do you think they’ll let me in?”
Dani laughed. “You are too much.”
“Nope. That’s what I say about you.”
A woman wearing a simple black sheath and a headset mic came up to Nyla. “They’re ready for you, Ms. Patterson.”
Nyla pouted her lips and shrugged her shoulder. “I’m so very important. I must go do very important things. Seriously, thank you and Jameson for coming. And let’s plan something soon. I miss you.”
When Dani was in California, she and Nyla usually spent a lot more time together. But it had been difficult with Nyla getting ready for her premiere and starting back on her TV show and Dani hibernating with Jameson. Understanding their desire to avoid publicity, Nyla had flown up to have dinner with them a couple of times, but it wasn’t the same. Dani had never been one of those women who dropped her friends when there was a new man in her life.
“I miss you, too. Dinner, just you and me. A girls’ night.”
“I’d like that. I need to talk about Rhys.”
“Oh really?” Rhys Barnes was anotherfwineBritish professor—you’d think they grew them on trees!—and one of Jameson’s best friends. Dani’d had a front-row seat to the fireworks that had sparked to life when the two had met at the tribute ball back in June. “Is something going on?”
“Later. We need wine, Chinese food, and a sinfully gooey dessert.”
“Can’t wait. Good luck,” Dani called after her.
Dani’s optimism left when Nyla did. Tapping the toe of her stiletto heel, she turned away from the still-curious gazes and pondered what she’d seen on the phone. Did Nyla have a point? Would Cash’s new narrative affect her Genesis deal?
It shouldn’t. Everyone could tell he was just jealous, right? After years of telling her that becoming and remaining successful in the game could only happen if she stayed with him, he was seeing her take off to heights he’d never imagined.
On her own.
She bet that was eating his ass up.
And, unlike the Banks situation, her profile and approval rating were, excuse the pun, sky high. The surge her brand was getting from her relationship with Jameson, whether she sought it out or not, was way more than any little waves caused by Cash and his comments.
Are you sure? What if what that guy had yelled out on the red carpet was true? What if you have been disinvited from presenting at the Hip-Hop Awards?
“My apologies. I didn’t intend on being away so long,” Jameson said. He glanced around. “Where’s Nyla?”
“She had to go. I think the movie will be starting soon.”
“Noted. But before we go in, I wanted to introduce you to someone. Have you met Oscar Michaels?”
“No, I don’t believe so,” she said, shaking the hand of the man standing next to Jameson. About half a foot shorter than Jay, he had a presence that made him seem taller.
“A pleasure,” Oscar said, his brown eyes sharp and focused.“Prince Jameson told me about your company. I can’t believe I hadn’t already heard of it, but I think there’s a natural synchronicity between our two businesses.”
“What do you do?”
He handed her his business card.Celebrity Gift Suites, Inc. Oscar Michaels, CEO.