Page 27 of The Duchess Effect
Counsellors of State were senior members of the royal family who could carry out official duties on the queen’s behalf. Once an appointment was made, one was unable to refuse acceptance. The queen had appointed Jameson back in March.
He frowned. “I thought you’d had me removed?”
“Why? You’re a valuable asset to this family.”
“That was our deal. In exchange for acting as the face of the family for Grandfather’s tribute, you’d appoint me as the patron of his charitable trust and I could go back to lecturing at Birmingham.”
“I did turn over John’s charitable trust to you. Edgar said the paperwork had been sent to your household. And since Birmingham is no longer an option, there’s nothing preventing you from being incorporated full-time into the Company’s schedule.”
Jameson pinched the bridge of his nose. What was that quote fromThe Godfather?Just when I thought I was out...
“What happened with Birmingham was unfortunate, but I still intend to teach at the collegiate level. I’ll find another position.”
“How?” Divots appeared between the queen’s white brows. “You’re a disturbance. You come with a lot of baggage and a newhigh-profile romance. There isn’t a prestigious university in the country that will invite that bedlam onto their campus.”
That sounded suspiciously similar to his department chair’s sentiment. Had Birmingham consulted with his grandmother? Or worse, hadsheintervened?
He straightened, annoyed by the attempts to steer his life. “That’s only a problem if I stay in this country.”
Nowshewas the one scrutinizinghimthrough narrowed eyes. Conversations with his grandmother weren’t just an exchange of information and ideas. They could mutate into verbal chess matches, battles of wit from start to finish.
“So, your speaking engagement at the university in California? It went well?”
A bold opening gambit, letting him know she was aware of his movements. Did his grandmother have people spying on him?
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“It did.”
“And you’d do that? Turn your back on your lineage? Your family and your responsibilities? For her?”
He would, but this wasn’t about Dani. It was about how he wanted to live.
“I would’ve been perfectly happy going back to life before the tribute.”
“Sometimes I rue the day I ever came up with that damned idea,” Marina muttered, looking away.
“Stunned” wasn’t a strong enough word to describe Jameson’s reaction to what the queen had just shared. The tribute had been essential to distract from calls for the abolishment of the monarchy. She’d pinned everything on its successful occurrence. He’d never thought he’d hear she may now be regretting it.
Before he could come up with a proper response, Marina patchedup the crack in her armor. “We are where we are. This family needs you, Jameson, and you will do your duty.”
“I have. I did what you asked me to do and now I’m done.”
The air thickened in the face of her incredulity. Jameson held her stare, making it clear he meant what he’d said.
Marina dropped her gaze first, smoothing out the already immaculate fabric of her navy skirt. “And will this new life in America include your mother?”
The hairs at the nape of his neck stood at attention. “What does my mother have to do with this?”
“She is the mother of a royal child, but she married into the family. She’s not a Lloyd by blood. She was allowed to live at Primrose Park and Kensington Palace and enjoy our privileges and protections while she raised you, but now that you’re ‘done,’ why should the taxpayers continue subsidizing her lifestyle?”
Her threat rang in his ears and a heaviness settled on his chest. “She hasn’t done anything to warrant what you’re suggesting. She’s given herlifeto this family. Your son got her pregnant at seventeen, and to save his reputation—and yours!—she was forced into a loveless marriage. She endured his affairs and scandals with dignity while being constantly harassed by the media. She’s kept the family’s counsel when she could’ve profited from it. She’s been nothing but loyal. Yet you’d kick her out of her home and deny her protection just to force my hand?”
The queen merely stared at him.
Son of a bitch!