Page 5 of The Duchess Effect
Dani didn’t break her stride, knowing the pap was simply looking to provoke a reaction. After the tribute, her team had been approached about having her perform and present Artist of the Year, the top award of the night.
A piercing shriek permeated the din. Two young women broke through the barricade and rushed through the crowd, one carrying a sign and the other holding up a phone. “Duchess! Prince Jameson! We love you! Duchess!”
Dani’s heart leaped into her throat and she couldn’t look away as fear rooted her to the spot. She wanted to move and had always assumed in this type of situation flight would be her automatic go-to, but her limbs refused to listen.
After what felt like minutes, but was probably seconds, Roy appeared out of nowhere, neatly diverting then ushering the fans over to the security guards hired for the event. Jameson grabbed Dani and pulled her close while the other protection officer and Antoine scanned the crowd.
“Holy shit!” Dani exclaimed, pressing a hand to her chest.
“Are you okay?” Jameson asked, his voice frantic.
She needed a second to catch her breath.
“I’m fine.” Rationally, she knew she hadn’t been in danger, but the sudden scream had short-circuited her brain.
“Are you sure?” His fingers dug into her arms.
But he wasn’t looking at her. His gaze seemed to check the area around them, searching...
“Jay.” She cupped his cheek and forced his eyes to hers. “I’m fine. Just some overzealous fans.”
He didn’t unwind immediately, but after a few moments, the rigid tension in his jaw relaxed and he pressed his face into her palm. Her heart ached for him and the trauma and pain he’d experienced that still seemed to affect him.
“I wasn’t in the U.K. long enough to experience what you did growing up, but it’s not like that here. The public attention is a pain in the ass and things like this might occur, but it doesn’t get out of control. See? Nothing happened. And there’s something else that you didn’t have there.”
His gaze bore into hers. “What?”
“Me, Jay. You’ve got me. And I got you.”
One corner of his mouth quirked up and his eyes softened the way they did when he was fully focused on her. He pressed his lips to hers and—poof!—like magic, everything disappeared except the feel of him strong and solid. She swept her tongue across the seam of his lips, seeking entr—
Ah hell... her lipstick!
They were going to have to figure out something for events they had to do together. The no-lips-touching ban couldn’t be allowed to stand!
“I just want you to be okay,” she said when they drew apart.
Vicky handed her a tissue and Dani gently wiped away the transfer of color.
His long fingers gripped her wrist, halting her actions. “Iamokay. I’m with you. There’s no place I’d rather be.”
He whispered in her ear, “Well, the part about being with you is true. But I’d rather be back at the house sliding into your wet, tight pussy.”
Said pussy clenched. Damn, when he said things like that...
“Repurposing one of my Nana’s favorite sayings—”
“Your Nana had a saying about everything.”
“I’m all ears.”