Page 73 of The Duchess Effect
Damn.He’d thought mentioning her company would be the pièce de résistance of his argument. Instead, it seemed to have had the opposite effect.
“I hope we don’t regret this,” he said, surrendering.
“We won’t,” she insisted, leaning down for a kiss.
He palmed the nape of her neck and captured her lips, deepening the embrace as if doing so could wrap them in a spell of protection against incoming royal mischief.
He wanted what she said to be true.
He was terrified it wouldn’t be.
“If you’ll please wait here, I’ll check that they’re ready,” the palace aide said, ushering them into a small ante room.
Jameson immediately began to pace, unable to remain still. There were a million things he’d rather be doing than waiting at Buckingham Palace for their first official joint Company event to begin. What he had yet to figure out was how they’d ended up inthis situation. Especially when he’d never intended for Dani to be involved with his family, let alone participate in royal engagements.
Dani thought they could handle it. Jameson wasn’t as sure.
“So we’re meeting a group of high school students today?” Dani asked, her eyes sparkling.
Clearly she was excited. But then, she had no idea what she was getting herself into.
“Secondary school, mainly students finishing Key Stage four.”
Dani stared at him. “I know you’re speaking English because I understand the words coming out of your mouth, but I have no clue what any of that meant. Are we meeting middle school or high school students?”
He laughed. “In the U.K., education is broken down into parts and stages. The secondary stage equates to what you call middle and high school, and stage four are the upper levels. You did read the dossier?”
“Yes, but they obviously thought I knew the systems were so different. I’ll mention it to Louisa for the next one.”
She walked over to check her reflection in the large gilt-framed mirror that hung on the gray tapestry-covered wall, but she needn’t have worried. Black wide-legged, high-waisted slacks hugged her curves and the sheer white gold-edged ruffle blouse tucked into them emphasized her waist. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail, the long ends braided and wrapped into a high knot. Diamond and gold hoop earrings completed the look. She was ravishing, sexy, and polished. He knew she put a lot of thought into her outfit, wanting to be respectful, but still quintessentially Duchess.
Mission accomplished.
However, as excited as she was, he could sense an anxious energy reverberating between them. “Are you nervous?”
“Why would I be nervous?” She winked. “This is what I do.”
Good point. Washethe source of this jitteriness?
“Hey,” Dani said gently, her brows drawn together. “How areyoufeeling?”
He adjusted his jacket. “I thought I was fine. But it’s possible I’m more bothered than I thought.”
“You were the face of the family during the tribute, and you’ve done several of these engagements since you’ve been back. Are they dredging up any memories?”
He considered her question, then nodded. “My parents used to do these. I rarely participated, but I’d be here in the palace, reading in one of the private drawing rooms. It was never fun. There was so much tension. Even as a child I could tell they didn’t want to be there or with each other.”
“Well, that’snotour situation, okay? I’m happy to be here with you.”
Warmth filled his chest, and he leaned his forehead against hers in a moment of gratitude and affection before kissing her cheek.
Suddenly, she clutched his arm. “We should come up with a distress signal!”
“What’s that?”
“A word or action that’ll let the other person know you’re in trouble and need to be rescued. Sort of like our own personal bat signal.”