Page 8 of The Duchess Effect
Dani watched him leave. His tuxedo was cut to perfection, fitting his tall frame as if it was made for him.
Which it probably was.
Her lips parted on an exhale as she remembered that broad-shouldered, lean-hipped form skillfully moving between her thighs last night, wringing one last orgasm from her sensitively spent body.
When she finally dragged her attention back to Nyla, she found her friend also studying him.
Dani widened her eyes. “Ma’am!”
Nyla grinned and shrugged as if to saysorry not sorry. “Do you ever get tired of that... accent?”
“Not so far.”
“Fair.” But the humor slowly melted from Nyla’s expression.
Dani frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Did you listen toThe Brunch Bunchthis morning?”
The Brunch Bunchwas a syndicated morning show and an institution in the hip-hop world. Most artists knew they’d officially arrived when they were asked to “take a seat” at the famous roundtable made up of some of the most influential DJs and music industry personalities in the game.
“No, I missed it. I was going to catch up during my training session on Friday.”
Staying in great shape wasn’t just about vanity, although she did have to fit into her barely there stage outfits. But as a rapper and performer it was a professional necessity. She worked out with a trainer at least four days a week to maintain her endurance and breath stamina, which allowed her to perform at top intensity. Themonth she’d been in England, she’d been lax, although rehearsals for the concert had helped.
Wait, why would Nyla ask if she’d caught it this morn—
“Don’t tell me... they had Samantha Banks on?”
“Oh God, no!” Nyla wrinkled her nose. “But do you know she tried to crash the premiere?”
“This one?”
“Yup. Once I knew you and Jameson were definitely going to attend, something told me to make sure they put her on the ‘no admit’ list.”
“Does she have any shame? You know what, I don’t even care. I refuse to give that girl any more of my time and consideration. She is done.”
Nyla winced. “I don’t know. It’s been so badIeven started feeling sorry for her.”
“Nuh-uh! Nyla—”
“I don’t want to. But she is getting dragged up and down the threads on social media.”
“It’s her own fault. There are consequences to actions. I’m not saying it’s right for people to be calling her out her name, but she had nothing to say when it was happening to me.” Dani pursed her lips and ignored the pang of sympathy that shifted in her chest. “But you said it wasn’t her? What happened onThe Brunch Bunch?”
Nyla sighed. “They had Cash on.”
Cash Hammad was a prominent manager in hip-hop who, up until a month ago, had beenhermanager. When she’d found out he’d rejected the offer for her to perform at the royal concert, without first informing her of the proposition, she’d had to let him go. Dani had fought hard to be in charge of her own life and make her own decisions. She refused to give that up to anyone, even the man who’d given her a start in the business.
“Was he talking about Dirty Junkie’s upcoming tour?”
Cash also managed the popular rap group. Dani had recorded a couple of features on their last album, and she knew Cash had wanted them to collab on a joint tour next year. Something she hadn’t wanted to commit to because she’d hoped to be putting her focus solely on her own venture between Mela-Skin and Genesis.
“In the beginning,” Nyla hedged. “But then they asked about you, and he... well, he acted like a dick.”
“Why is my name even in his mouth? What did he say?”
Nyla moved closer and pulled her phone out of her Saint Laurent clutch. Tapping the screen, she opened YouTube.