Page 83 of The Duchess Effect
So, when Louisa had told Dani she’d be doing an event with Catherine, she hadn’t been sure what to expect.
She still wasn’t.
“Did you read the dossier on today’s event?”
Catherine shot her a sharp glance. “Why not?”
“There wasn’t enough time. I was only notified a couple of hours before you picked me up. But Louisa said it was essentially a meet n’ greet. I do a lot of those.”
Catherine pursed her lips. “I really wish you had. This isn’t like the other appearances you’ve done.”
Dani sighed.Well, they were off to a great start!
She changed the subject. “This is one of your patronages?”
“Yes. One of my favorites. I have a soft spot for this children’s hospital. I spent a lot of time in it when I was younger.”
There was so much to unpack in that statement.
Catherine had spent a lot of time in hospitals when she was little?
Had she been sick?
But, more importantly, they were going to a children’s hospital?
Dani shivered. She wasn’t a big fan of hospitals. Her only meaningful interaction with them had led to the biggest change in her life, Nana’s death. During her career, Dani had done her best to avoid functions that took place in medical centers, although she tried to make up for it with donations. She couldn’t help it. Hospitals still freaked her out.
But before she could ask more questions, the car stopped and Catherine said, “We’re on.”
The protection officer opened the door and they both exited the black Range Rover. The press had been corralled into a space behind metal gates, but their flashes were still noticeable.
“Ignore them,” Catherine said beneath her breath. “This isn’t the time.”
Dani bristled.You have your priorities and I have mine.
She didn’t say anything, but just before she walked into thebuilding, she turned and gave them a full photo op moment, showing off the sleek, knee-length, off-white wrap-front dress that draped beautifully over her body. Diamond and pearl accessories and her favorite Rebecca Allen nude heels completed the demure, for her, look.
The clicks and flashes confirmed that the picture was taken.
“These are the doctors and nurses who’ve treated her and some of the first responders,” the hospital administrator was telling Catherine when Dani joined them.
Men and women of different ages, races, and sizes lined a low-ceilinged hallway, decorated with bright letters and murals. They bowed or curtsied to Catherine, who smiled and shook each person’s hand.
“The children are lucky to have you,” the Princess Royal told them, and they beamed under her praise.
A reporter and two photographers had been allowed to join their group and cover the event. Louisa had schooled Dani on the pact between the palace and the media. The Company needed publicity for their working lives, the causes they championed, and to allow people to see why they were necessary. In exchange, they endured the media’s attention in their private lives.
The antiseptic smell was taking Dani back to memories she’d thought she’d hidden. She nodded, trying her best to keep her composure. The hospital administrator made small talk as they followed her down the hallway, around a corner, and through a set of double doors. Immediately ahead of them, a couple stood outside a hospital room.
“Your Royal Highness,” the woman said, her dyed blond hair swinging forward to cover her face as she curtsied. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“Ella will love seeing you,” said the man, bowing over Catherine’s hand. He was wearing a Black Sabbath T-shirt and Dani assumed he was the child’s father.
Their gazes flickered to Dani and their eyes widened in surprise.