Page 1 of Kade
“Hey, man. Haven’t seen you in a few days.”
Kade nodded toward his fellow member of the MC. “Hey, Rock. I’ve been busy finishing up a bike. The owner wanted it done for a show so I’ve been cramming.”
One of the club prospects slid Kade an ice-cold beer. Nodding toward the hopeful newbie, he twisted off the cap and leaned against the bar next to Rock, motioning to the older man’s chest. “How’s the old ticker?”
Rock rubbed his chest and shrugged. “Still ticking.”
Nodding, he took a swig from the bottle and let the fizzy liquid flow down his throat. When he lowered the beer from his mouth, he saw a movement of all black and grimaced. Remi.
“Hey, Dad,” she said sweetly as she approached them.
She looked tired, something Kade had noticed the last few times he’d seen her. He knew she worked at a bar, but she usually worked the day shift, so it made him wonder if she was seeing someone who was keeping her up at night. The thought annoyed him. He didn’t want to know the answer.
Remi was an MC princess. The daughter of a long-time member, and because her mom had passed away at a young age, she’d pretty much grown up in the clubhouse. At some point in her teens, she’d gotten into the Goth phase and hadn’t grown out of it, but somehow, it fit her. It wasn’t a style she put on just to fit in.
Looking at the small woman, he forced himself to smile, but she completely ignored him as she smiled at her dad. She seemed to hate Kade for whatever reason, but he had no idea why.
“Hey, honey. What are you doing here?” Rock asked, wrapping his daughter up in a hug.
She hugged him back and then finally looked at Kade. Her dark eyes looked him up and down, and then she seemed to completely dismiss him as she turned to her dad. Even though she was being a prickly little thing, Kade was still worried about her not getting enough sleep. It was the Daddy in him.
“I was just heading home from work and wanted to drop you some dinner. It’s a chicken breast with green beans and mashed cauliflower.”
Both men grimaced.
Ever since Rock’s heart attack, Remi had been making it her mission to get her dad to eat healthily, but the crap she brought him to eat was just sad. Plain, dry, and green. And what the hell was up with using cauliflower as a replacement for other things? Mashed cauliflower? Kade would rather eat dog food.
He would never say anything, but Rock almost always took the meals to a homeless person that stayed near the compound. Even though Remi seemed to hate Kade, she meant well, and he thought it was sweet that she was trying to take care of her old man.
“Dad, it’s good for you,” she said with a smile before she turned to Kade and glared. “And maybe you should encourage him to eat it instead of cringing along with him.”
Taking another swig of his beer, he rolled his eyes, then slapped Rock on the back. “Good luck with her, my friend. I’m heading home for the night. Night, Remi.”
As he walked past her, she sidestepped, putting several feet between them as though if she got close to him, he would burn her. It shouldn’t have bothered him. He shouldn’t have cared what the little brat thought of him, but he did. He had a feeling it bothered him because the image of her in her black denim skirt and skin-tight black shirt with her black combat boots was the only thing he could see in his mind as he walked out to his bike.
What the fuck was wrong with him? He obviously needed to get laid, because fantasizing about his friend’s daughter was basically against all bro-codes. No matter how hard he tried, though, he just couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her. He’d been doing it for the past four years. Fuck. He was a terrible person.
Starting up the engine of his bike, he smiled. That sound would never get old. Neither would the wind against his skin and the vibration of the engine as he rode through the small city he called home. He hoped that by the time he got to his house, the little black-haired woman would be far away from his mind, but that didn’t work out.
When he arrived, she was right there where she always was, and it drove him crazy. She’d never shown him any interest, and she sure as fuck wasn’t the type of woman he normally craved. After all, he was pretty sure she wasn’t the type to call any man Daddy, let alone let a man dominate and take care of her. She let her don’t-fuck-with-me vibe be known to everyone.
He parked his bike in the garage and went inside his empty house, kicking off his boots before heading to the kitchen for a beer to take into the shower with him.
Once in the bathroom, he turned on the shower nozzle and waited for the temperature to warm up before he stripped out of his clothes, grabbed his beer, and stepped in. Nothing like a shower beer to unwind after a long day. Of course, there were better things to help with unwinding, but the beer would have to do for now.
His cock thickened as he started washing himself while thoughts of Remi filled his mind. He needed to stop fantasizing about her and move on with his life. She wasn’t his type. Besides, she was also thirteen years younger than him. He was too damn old for her.
Ignoring his cock, he drank the beer and finished washing before he stepped out and wrapped a towel around himself. His phone rang from the pocket of the jeans he’d stripped off and discarded on the floor, so he had to search for it in the pile of clothes. He finally found it, and when he looked at the screen and saw Remi’s name, he knew something was wrong.
As soon as she pulled into her parking space at her apartment complex, she let out a deep breath. She was exhausted. Not only had she not been sleeping well, but she’d been worrying nonstop. It had been five days since the last letter and it felt as though she was just waiting in fear for the next one to show up. What could she do about it, though?