Page 109 of Waiting on You
Colleen looked at the picture, her heart snagging. “Yep. That’s Joe there, and that looks like his brother. And that’s Bryce, and that’s Lucas.”
Even in the picture, you could see which brother had toughed it out, and which had an easier life. Lucas’s dad and Joe were practically twins, but Dan Campbell was leaner and rougher-looking. The kind of guy who could handle himself, as the saying went.
Like father, like son.
The boys must’ve been about ten in this picture, and they were at a ball game. Bryce and Lucas were all cheeky grins and big eyes. Killer lashes, both of them.
It was quite uncomfortable, sometimes, how much they looked alike.
Colleen hadn’t seen many pictures of Lucas as a child. None, now that she thought of it.
He’d been beautiful. Skinny and absolutely beautiful.
Colleen jumped. “Hi. You’re back.”
“Sorry it took so long. There was construction.” His eyes took in their handiwork. “Hi, Paulie.”
“I’m resting,” she said amiably from the bed. “How you doing, Lucas?”
“Good.” He looked down. “Hello, little girl who plays great baseball.”
Savannah grinned. “I’m Savannah. Her sister.”
“Yes. You look a lot alike.”
Savannah’s face lit up, and Colleen felt another healthy chunk of her heart melt.
“We did some re-org,” Paulie said, getting off the bed. “Your uncle’s sleeping in the other room.”
“It looks great,” Lucas said. He looked at Colleen, and there he went again, saying everything without words. “How was he feeling?”
“I’m great,” Joe said, emerging from the living room. “Oh, Lord, what have you done? Joe’s Cozy Spot? What on earth? Ladies, thank you! This is beautiful!” He went over to the bed and got on it. “What a wonderful cozy spot.”
“Would you like a comfortable pillow?” Savannah asked, offering the red velvet.
“I’d love a comfortable pillow,” Joe said. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
At that moment, the front door opened, and into the kitchen came Didi and Bryce.
“Hey, gang,” Bryce said affably. “Are we having a party?”
Didi’s mouth was disappearing, her eyes narrowed, hands on her hips. “What’s going on here?” she asked, looking as though she smelled raw sewage.
“We figured Joe could use a change of scenery,” Lucas said.
“Mom, this is Paulie Petrosinsky,” Bryce said. “How’s it hanging, Paulie?”
“Hi,” Paulie said, her face igniting. “Um, nice to see you, Mrs. Campbell.”
“Aren’t you the Chicken Princess? From TV?”
Paulie’s face grew even more red, and Colleen made a note to use dishwater in Didi’s drink the next time she came into O’Rourke’s. “The power behind the chicken throne, right, Paulie?” she said. “Mrs. Campbell, Paulie is chief operating officer of her father’s franchise.”
Didi wasn’t impressed. “I’m still not sure why any of you are here.”
“Well, you forgot to pick me up, Didi, I had to get a ride from someone,” Joe said.