Page 122 of Waiting on You
The Swedish father came over and handed Colleen the bill. “Thank you so much,” he said.
“Bye!” the children chorused, beautiful little blonds all. The beautiful mother waved, as well.
“Bye, guys!” Colleen said. “Come again!”
She waited until they’d left, then turned to her father. “Wow.”
“Things have cooled off between us—”
“Dad, who cares? What about Savannah?”
He gave her a frosty look. “What about her?”
“Does she know? Is she handling it okay?”
“We haven’t told her yet. She’ll be fine.”
“She better be, I guess. God forbid her emotional state gets in your way. Do you have a younger mistress on the side?”
“Colleen, don’t make everything about you, okay? I waited till you and Connor were grown to divorce your mother. I think you’d be over it by now.” He paused. “I wanted you to know.”
With that, he turned and left.
Colleen unclenched her jaw. Note how he didn’t answer the question about a girlfriend, the ass.
Savannah was going to be wrecked. Colleen pulled out her phone and sent her sister a quick text:Thinking of you, Yogi! How’s your day going? xoxox
A second later, the answer came.I miss you too! That party was fun! Guess what? I lost three pounds!
Colleen closed her eyes. A nine-year-old shouldn’t have to worry about weight issues.Can’t wait for Friday,she texted back.Love you!
The bar phone rang, waking up Victor. “O’Rourke’s, home of the finest watermelon mojitos in the known universe.”
“It’s Lucas.”
The rush of heat was fast and thrilling. “Hey.”
“Dinner tonight?” There were hammers in the background; he must be at her mom’s or the public safety building.
“Name the place.”
“Got it. Seven?”
She hung up. World’s shortest phone convo, but hey. He never was good at talking in the first place. She was going to sleep with him tonight. Or, more likely, not sleep with him. It was time.
Connor came in through the back, his arms laden with whatever he’d picked up at the farmer’s market for today’s special. He took one look at her face and stopped. Scowled. “I don’t want to hear about it,” he said. “I warned you.”
“Thanks for the brotherly concern. Dad and Gail are getting a divorce.”
“Oh, shit,” her brother said. “Poor Savannah.”