Page 154 of Waiting on You
The four horseman of the Holland family were here with their spouses, except for horrifyingly single Jack, who’d stopped in earlier. (Colleen reminded herself to do something about that; his gene pool was too good to waste.)
Everyone knew Bryce, of course, and Lucas had become a part of the community, thanks to handling the public safety building. There were Marian Field, the mayor of Manningsport, and Everett, her son. Victor and Lorena, also bar regulars, had been quite friendly with Joe. Connor gave her a look—Hang in there, you’re doing great.She smiled back gratefully.
As usual, Con had read her mind. It was awkward, being the once and future girlfriend, as it were, not quite the other woman, but somehow feeling that way. She didn’t belong in the reception line (though she would’ve been if Lucas had asked), but she wanted to be here nonetheless. Every time she thought of what he said the other night, about feeling so...alone...her heart broke again.
The only thing I’ve ever had that was really mine was you.
They’d work. They had to. They’d figure something out.
The wake was supposed to end at eight; it was quarter of now. The line had dwindled, and Grant Jacobs, the funeral director, was now standing in the back of the room, giving the subtle sign.
Hopefully, Lucas would be able to come to her place tonight. Probably not, though, not with his sister and nieces...and the Forbes contingent. All Colleen wanted to do was comfort him. Have him lie on her couch with his head in her lap, or rub his shoulders, or make him smile however the hell she could. Her heart felt swollen and achy with love.
“Hey,” came a voice to her left.
“Paulie! How are you? I haven’t seen you in so long,” Colleen said, giving her a hug. Granted,so longwas anything over a week in Colleen’s book, but Paulie hugged back hard, making Colleen wheeze a little.
“How’s he doing?” she asked, jerking her chin in Bryce’s direction.
“He’s taking it hard.” They both looked at Bryce, who was indeed weeping at the moment. Poor kid. Lucas put his hand on his cousin’s shoulder and said something, and Bryce nodded.
“I’ll go say hi, then,” Paulie said. “Um...come with me? These things are so freaking awkward. Can I say ‘freak’ in a funeral home? I was thinking the other word. Saved at the last second, I guess. Shit, I’m babbling. Oh, great, I just swore.”
“Easy, girl.” Colleen gave her biceps a squeeze.
“Yeah.” Paulie sighed. She looked nice, if a little stiff, in her black dress. “It’s just my heart is breaking, looking at that.” Her eyes filled as she looked at Bryce.
“He’ll be glad to see you. Come on.”
They went up to Joe’s casket, and Colleen swallowed the lump in her throat at the sight of Smiling Joe Campbell, who would never again sit at the end of the bar, nursing his Empire Cream Ale. Paulie put her hand on Joe’s shoulder and wiped her eyes.
“Paulie,” Bryce said. “Hey.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” she said, and offered her hand. Bryce enveloped her in a hug, bending down since Paulie was so short, and burying his face on her shoulder. “Aw, buddy,” she said. “You were a great son.”
Bryce’s shoulders shook with a sob.
Dang it. Colleen seemed to be crying, too.
Bryce straightened up. “Sorry,” he said, wiping his eyes. “It’s so good to see you.” He turned to his mother. “Mom, you remember Paulie Petrosinsky.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Campbell,” Paulie said.
“Thanks.” Didi looked over Paulie’s head and shot Mr. and Mrs. Forbes a smile. “Bryce, would you get me some water, please?”
“I’ll do it, Mrs. Campbell,” Colleen said. “Bryce, you must be tired. Why don’t you sit down for a few minutes, catch up with Paulie?”
“Cool,” Bryce said. “If you don’t mind, Paulie, that is.”
“Hell, no, not at all,” Paulie said.
She wasn’t blushing. No, she looked entirely normal.
“How about that water, Kathleen?” Didi said.
“It’s Colleen, Mrs. Campbell, and you bet.” Far be it from her to be impolite at a wake.
She went to the watercooler in the back, filled a cup and turned to see Stephanie Campbell standing in front of her. “Hey,” she said.