Page 165 of Waiting on You
“He left yesterday.”
Sphincter. She figured he would, but damn and blast, the words made her eyes well anyway.
“I also wanted to thank you for helping me notice Paulie. She told me about it last night.”
“Well. You’re a lucky guy, Bryce. She’s a really, really great person.”
“I know.”
“I like how you told off your mom, by the way. High time.”
“Yeah. It felt kinda good. I’m moving out, by the way.”
“Not into the Chicken Palace?”
“No, no,” he said. “Too early for that. I’m taking Lucas’s apartment in the opera house. Talked to the landlady this morning. Now that I have a job and stuff.”
Connor came in. “Hey, Bryce. Sorry again about Joe.”
“Thanks, man.” Bryce’s eyes filled, but he slapped the counter and stood up. “I should get going. Got Menopause Boot Camp in fifteen minutes.”
“Mom’s in that, by the way,” Colleen told her brother.
“You’re a saint, Bryce,” Connor said.
“Word, brother. Word.” With that, he smiled again and left, the Thneed tails flapping rakishly behind him.
“Don’t just stand there,” Connor said. “Get to work, you lazy whore.”
“Heard about Bryce, did you?”
“I’ve known for years.”
Her mouth wobbled. “Not one of my better moments.”
“How’s Lucas taking it?”
“He’s back in Chicago.”
“Yeah. Well. I love that ass.”
“You need to get a life.”
“Youneed to get a life. Has anyone told you you’re unhealthily attached to me, brother mine? What’s today’s special, by the way?”
“Whatever my heartbroken sissy wants.”
She paused. “Just when I’m ready to put you up for adoption, you go and say something like that. Turkey club, crispy bacon, and that horseradish and basil mayonnaise I love. See? Youaregood for something.”
* * *
THENEXTWEEKcrawled by. Colleen went running with Rufus in the town conservation land where her pup could put his ridiculously long legs to use and gallop through the meadows, returning covered in pollen and happiness. She took Savannah for a private boxing lesson with Tom Barlow, and her sister was elated afterward. Then they watchedHarry Potterand ate veggies and hummus, with just one small brownie each afterward. Gail had a point about how Colleen spoiled Savannah with food, and Colleen was trying to do better. Not to be a Nazi about it...just to be more aware.
Lucas didn’t call. Didn’t email. Didn’t text. Didn’t send flowers, didn’t send a dead squirrel in a box.
She started to write to him a dozen times. Stood in the shower, talking aloud, trying to find the words that would make everything right.