Page 108 of Bloody Royals
I’d already failed her once.
Once I was far enough away from her frustrated screams and pounding on the door, I answered my phone. “What.”
“I have Lord Nathan’s best friend,” Augustus said. “A man in an armored car is delivering him to you as we speak.”
And when he hung up the phone, I let out a sigh. Of course he’d want me to do the heavy lifting. I had a long night of torture ahead of me.
But when I got back, her pleasure was mine.
Chapter Six
Rupert Thames screamed like a bitch. He screamed when I sliced his heel. He screamed when I plunged a knife between his ribs. And he screamed when I smashed his hand with a mallet.
The man had no pride or sense of self-preservation.
I had the power to kill him. And he knew it.
“Please,” he begged, his eyes watering with tears. “Please don’t hurt me anymore.” I felt no remorse. I only felt pleasure at hearing his screams.
“I’m going to kill your baby,” I shouted at his face, “and then I’ll kill you. And then I’ll kill your mother and your wife. And then I’ll kill your dog.”
It wasn’t hard to find out his weak spots. His wife liked to post the entirety of his life online, and even though I wouldn’t call this pathetic excuse for a human a family man by any means, he didn’t want his child to die.
Mostly because it would be a scandal that hurt his good name.
“Don’t you dare touch them,” he slurred.
“I’ll do whatever is necessary to get the information I need,” I breezed while wiping the blade of my knife on my pants. Splatters of blood coated my skin. I could taste the torture in the dense air.
He was angry now. I could tell by the way his lips were pulled back and his eyes screwed shut. He was desperate. He was pathetic. I had no intentions of killing an innocent baby, but half the battle was convincing him I would. “I don’t know where he is,” he lied.
Rupert Thames knew damn well where Lord Nathan was, and it was only a matter of time before he told me.
I cut him again. It was his leg. This time, he didn’t scream. I supposed he was in too much pain for that. And the knife had hit an artery, because he was bleeding too much. I needed to move quickly or tie off his leg so he lived long enough to tell me what I needed to know. His blood seeped into the floor and mixed with the sweat of past victims in this very room.
“Tell me, is Lord Nathan worth dying for? How did he earn your loyalty? Are you lovers?”
His face screwed up in disgust, as if the idea of fucking another man was more grotesque than the torture I was inflicting on him. Men like him were so disgustingly repressed it was laughable. “No. Of course not.”
“Is he blackmailing you?” I asked, and his eyes widened. “He is, isn’t he? What’s he got on you?”
Rupert shook his head.
“What does he have on you?” I asked again. “Give me a reason to let you live. Tell me.” I was so close to breaking him. I could feel it. His eyes were pleading with mine. He wanted to tell me, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. I sighed. “If I walk out of here, then everyone you know and love will die. Perhaps I need to kill them in front of you?”
“It’s not Lord Nathan I’m afraid of!” he roared. The man was so wired with agony that I could see veins popping in his forehead as his eyes rolled back.
Interesting. Was Lord Nathan working with someone? “Explain.”
He shook his head. “You might as well kill me. Kill everyone I love. We’re as good as dead anyway.”
I growled. Who the fuck was Lord Nathan working with? And why were they supposedly scarier than a DuPont? “Some things are worse than death, Rupert,” I told him.
Blood from Rupert’s nose covered his lips like war paint. The bright reds and oranges of the blood clashed with his skin. His eyes were green flecked with brown, scared like a deer in headlights. “A DuPont is worse than death,” he said with a bitter laugh. He wasn’t wrong. Rupert was breathing heavily, and I could hear his teeth grinding together.
He was already close to a mental breakdown. And I hadn’t even started the actual torture.