Page 164 of Bloody Royals
I pressed my forehead to Leo’s. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of you.” He grimaced and his breathing became labored. I kissed his forehead and then his cheek. “I love you, Leo.”
“Do we have a deal?” Theodore asked impatiently.
I gently released Leo and stood, rolling my shoulders back as I glared at him. “Fine. But I want to see proof that the medicine worked.”
“If you give a convincing performance at the announcement ceremony, I’ll consider it,” he replied.
I clenched my jaw so tightly I almost cracked a tooth. “Deal.”
Lord Nathan clapped his hands. “This is fun.”
“Next week, you’ll be crowned queen. We’ve released word that Augustus was illegitimate, and the lords that are still alive are eager to transfer power to the rightful heir. After that, the two of you will marry,” Theodore said.
My throat burned with the effort of repressing the violent scream that was clawing its way up my throat. I was so enraged that my whole body was on edge. I wanted to go on a rampage, yell at Theodore for treating me this way, scream at Leo to get better, and howl in anguish at myself for getting mixed up in this situation. I knew it was over. I knew I would have to accept my reality, marry this monstrous man, and suffer the consequences. Fury and tears clashed inside me as I contemplated what I must do, but I was so filled with rage and terror that I couldn’t think straight.
A heavy weight of defeat settled in my chest. I tried to look Theodore DuPont defiantly in the eyes, but instead, I hung my head and whispered, “I’ll do what you want. I’m going to marry Nathan, just please, please don’t hurt them. I’m sorry, Leo. I’m so sorry.” Tears stung my eyes and I felt like a traitor, standing there powerless against fate. Leo’s struggle became more intense as he fought against his bindings. I tenderly ran my fingers over his cheek. I lied to him, and to myself. “It’s going to be okay,” I murmured through quivering lips. In my heart, I knew that it wasn’t true. There was no guarantee that he would be alright. But I would do all I could to make sure that he was.
Theodore sneered at Nathan. “Go and get ready, Nathan. Christine needs to look her best for the announcement,” he barked, standing tall. “I’ll sort out the meds for Leo’s IV. I’m sure he’ll feel right as rain by the time it’s over.” He glared at me. “Make sure you stay put while the beauty team tries to conceal all those nasty bruises of yours.”
My voice cracked as I croaked, “Understood.” Theodore nodded and Leo was hauled out of the room. I slumped back down into the chair, my sweat-soaked arms wrapping around myself. My stomach felt like it had been filled with rocks. Theodore and Nathan left, quietly shutting the door behind them. I was alone with three guards in the room, their gazes silently scrutinizing my every move.
For a few moments, I let Theodore’s words loop around in my head. I was going to be queen.
I was going to have to marry Nathan.
I was going to have to pretend to be happy.
I was going to have to marry Nathan.
I was going to have to see him crowned king.
I was going to have to marry Nathan.
I was going to have to marry Nathan.
I needed to be calm, and I needed to think of a plan.
I was going to have to marry Nathan.
A menacing chuckle spilled from my throat, and I clamped my hand over my mouth to muffle it. If I married him, I’d paint my wedding night with his blood. There was no other way.
But could I sacrifice my men to save myself?
It was an unbearable thought. I felt my heart pounding, ready to burst from my chest at any moment. I gulped in a breath of air, desperately attempting to steady my racing heart, striving to contain the tears that threatened to pour down my face. Anger and frustration began to boil in me until I could feel madness radiating from every pore of my body.
I was going to marry Nathan.
I was going to marry Nathan.
“Lady Abernathy?” a soft voice called. “It’s time to get ready.”
Chapter Two
I could barely remember the days leading up to this. My body felt like it was weighed down and I could barely move a muscle. My mouth was gagged tightly with duct tape, and my eyes were wide open. Christine was standing before me, her figure shrouded in fear and despair. Through the darkness, I could make out two frightening figures behind her. All I could hear was the sound of her muffled sobs as she bravely tried to restrain her tears. I felt sick, scared, confused and terrified all at once, my mind overwhelmed with worry and concern.
The walls of the claustrophobic room were an icy white. The only source of light was a lone lightbulb, suspended by a single wire in the center of the ceiling. On one wall, there were two barred windows, shut tight and blocking out the outside world. My head felt like it was splitting open, while my feverish skin felt scorched. I felt helpless and disoriented, my fear intensifying with every moment that I spent in the isolated space.