Page 189 of Bloody Royals
“Just give him time,” Atticus said. “We are all a little on edge.”
“A little?” I snorted.
“You’re beautiful,” August said. “And you’re ours. If he can’t handle that, then he’s not the man you think he is.”
I wanted to say something, but the words caught in my throat. I would need to show him what we had. We’d been through so much, and I wasn’t going to give up now.
Leo was silent for the rest of the ride, and I wondered what was going through his mind.
Chapter Ten
An irrepressible rage blazed through my veins as I watched Christine get fucked by Atticus. I wanted to rush him, to tear him away from her, but I was rooted to the spot. My chest felt like it was searing with molten lava, and my head was in a whirl. I remembered what it felt like to have her in my bed, and how warm her pussy had been around my dick only a few short hours ago. God, how desperately I wanted her for myself. A possessive fury gripped me; all I could think was that she belonged to me, and only me.
We pulled up to the safe house, and I immediately got out. I didn’t want to be trapped in that damn SUV any longer, smelling sex on her skin, watching the guys put that blissed-out look on her face. Atticus got out and stomped after me, leaving Christine and Augustus in the car.
He wrapped his hand around my wrist, and I tried to jerk out of his hold. “Fuck off.”
“No, you fuck off,” he growled. “You don’t get to play nice when it suits you. August and I gave you time alone with Christine last night, even though all of us were missing her. You think I wanted to walk away? You think I didn’t want to check every inch of her body to make sure that bastard didn’t hurt her?”
My jaw clenched and my hands flexed as I glared into his eyes. I wanted to wrap my fingers around his throat, squeezing until his puny life was extinguished. But it wouldn’t be enough. It wouldn’t make Christine want him any less.
“You don’t get to decide what she does with her heart or her body. You get what I give you, and that’s it. Stop making her feel bad about it, or I’ll remove you from the equation. And if you ever think about taking her away from me, I’ll make sure you regret it.” He leaned closer and smirked. “I can do things to her that you can only dream of,” he whispered into my ear, and I felt the shudder of revulsion run through my body as he stepped back from me. “Behave.”
He started to say something, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “Just stay out of it,” I growled, my eyes narrowing into slits as I spoke.
He snarled and looked away. “We both want what’s best for her. But I think only I know how to get there.”
“What’s your deal?” I asked. “Why even bother with me?”
“You make her feel safe,” he growled, his voice tight with suppressed rage. “You make her smile, and you make her beg. You’re good for her, even if it’s something I can’t stand to see.” His eyes were blazing with jealousy.
“So you admit it,” I smirked. “You’re jealous of me. Doesn’t it bother you that she enjoys being with me so much?”
“Of course it does,” he spat, his fists clenched at his sides. “But I’m not a coward, and I will deal with it. I know her better than any of you.” Possessive hunger flashed in his gaze, and I felt a shiver run through me.
“Are the two of you about to fuck, or can we go inside?” Augustus asked while opening the door. “Christine is tired and I need a proper shower.”
We took a step apart and Augustus got out of the car, quickly followed behind by Christine. She gave me a cautious look that made me feel bad for being such an ass. I was supposed to change. I was supposed to move past this. “You okay?” she asked.
No. No, I wasn’t. But I had to be. I didn’t want to be the reason she cried. I didn’t almost die in that fucking castle just to fuck up my second chance. “I’ll work through it.”
She nodded.
The safe house was a two-story white home with pale green shutters. Behind it, I could see a sandy beach, and even though it was dark, the moon illuminated the waves crashing along the shore.
With the front door lit up, the house looked inviting. The white siding was chipping in some places, and the windows were covered in dust. The grass needed to be mowed, and the tree in the front yard was a monstrous beast, looming over the house like a giant that had no idea what to do with itself.
The safe house was surrounded by a high white picket fence, and the windows showed light behind them. They looked like eyes, watching me.
“This isn’t what I expected,” I murmured while nodding up at the house. I was eager to see my mother and sister, but it was late.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Augustus asked.
“It’s…homey. I imagined a mansion by the sea,” I explained. Isabelle was ostentatious. This was…cozy. The salty breeze carried across the beach, and I could smell the ocean and damp earth.
We started to walk up to the front door, and I fought the urge to throw my arm around Christine’s shoulders. Augustus and Atticus walked in front of us, and Christine gave me a nervous little half smile. We walked through the narrow entryway, and Augustus and Atticus started discussing something in low voices.