Page 221 of Bloody Royals
Atticus’s chuckle sent ripples through the tense atmosphere. “Then we’ll buy her pads and chocolate and a heating pad,” he said, eyes twinkling with amusement.
“A heating pad is the best present ever,” I muttered, a faint smile touching my lips despite the abject fear that lingered in the air.
August’s brows knitted together as he blurted out, “Oh God, I’m not ready for any of this. What if she has some health condition or someone hurts her or…or…” His expression plummeted at the thought of it all.
Atticus smiled sympathetically. “Before we come up with all the worst case scenarios, we should celebrate. We’re having a baby!” he declared joyfully, punctuating his words with a short laugh.
August reiterated his sentiments quietly. “We’re having a baby,” he said, his voice somewhere between melancholy and excitement.
Leo smiled softly, his eyes brimming with tears. “A baby.”
I placed my hand on my stomach, gently rubbing circles and feeling the life growing within me while I whispered, “We’re having a baby.”
Chapter Twenty
“We’re almost there,” I said as we drove across the bridge leading to the beach house. The bumps in the road caused Christine to stir in the back seat, and I heard Atticus softly cooing over her.
“Christine is still asleep,” he said adoringly as his fingers gently ran through her hair, a contented smile on his lips. “Her body needs rest now more than ever.” His voice was tender, and both Augustus and I could feel the emotion radiating from him.
“I’m just glad she’ll be able to relax for a few days,” Augustus said with a sigh of relief. “I can’t wait to get her into a warm bath, get some food in her belly. She hasn’t complained of nausea, has she?”
Atticus smiled, though there was a bit of sadness in his eyes. “Not yet. But she probably will soon. Glad at least one of you is as obsessed with her as I am,” he said wistfully.
My heart hammered against my ribcage when I glanced at Christine’s fragile figure sleeping in the rearview mirror. I had put her health at risk with my selfishness. “Do you think she’s too stressed? Stress isn’t good for a baby.”
Augustus sneered, his piercing eyes burning into me. “So now you care about stress? You didn’t seem to care last night.”
My jaw was tightening as I tried to stay in control of my rage. “Yeah, I fucked up,” I muttered. “But I care about her.”
Atticus’s voice was low and menacing. “Once she’s tucked up safe in bed, you and I are gonna have words. Don’t forget that I warned you what would happen if you ever insulted Christine about our relationship again. I told you to sort out your own demons, Leo. But you didn’t listen. And now it’s not just her that’s at risk. It’s our baby too. So if you do anything to jeopardize my child, I’ll kill you.”
I could hardly breathe as I muttered my response. “I’m gonna apologize to her.”
Augustus’s eyes bore into me with disdain as he leaned back in his seat. “Might be too late, Leo.”
I snarled, “I know it’s too late,” aware that my voice wavered as a result of my fury.
I pulled into the beach house driveway, and the crunching of the tires echoed in the stillness. I stared at Christine.
Atticus was possessive and protective, his rough hand sliding under her shirt to caress her skin as he leaned in close. He kissed her softly, then glanced at me, seething with anger and panic. His dark eyes were smoldering with a mix of worry and testosterone. “What now, Leo?” he growled.
My fists tightened into a white-knuckled hold as I stifled the tears that threatened to brim over my cheeks. “I don’t know, alright? All I know is that I love her, and I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to her,” I bit out, letting my gaze pierce his.
“She’s my everything,” he growled possessively, his voice low and intense. “I was very clear about my expectations of you.”
I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“I heard that,” Christine whispered breathlessly. Her icy blue eyes slowly opened and locked onto mine in the mirror.
Atticus tugged her out of her seat, gathering her in his strong arms. He smiled down at her, his voice low and sultry. “You ready to sleep in a comfortable bed, Little Monster?”
“Let me talk to Leo, first,” she said drowsily, her voice raw from lingering sleep.
Augustus’s eager voice cut through the tension in the car. “Dibs on snuggling Christine tonight!” He jumped out of the vehicle before Atticus could respond.
“I’ll be just outside,” Atticus said before glaring at me and following after Augustus.