Page 233 of Bloody Royals
“I wish I had done it earlier,” she said, her voice pleading with me. “That way, you wouldn’t have suffered.”
Electricity surged inside of me, my throat closing up at the overwhelming weight of guilt and sadness that had been lifted from her shoulders. “Mom—” I felt bad that she had to do this. I should have saved her sooner. I should have realized how twisted my father had become.
“No, Atticus. Don’t speak,” she pleaded, her voice filled with conviction. “There’s no reason to feel guilty. You’re safe. You’re all safe.” She then turned to face Christine, who was still fighting off tears, and grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry, Christine, for what you had to go through. I should’ve protected you and Atticus better, but now I’m here to do so. I’m sorry.”
Christine furrowed her brow and shook her head. “No, it’s okay, Elizabeth. You saved me in the end.” She tentatively stepped forward and seized a hold of my mother’s hand. “I’m happy you’re here.”
Elizabeth smiled. “I should let you all discuss tonight. Leo, I saw your mother and sister in the waiting room. I’ll be with them if you need anything.”
“What plans?” I asked, but to my frustration, they ignored my question.
Leo gave her a smile. “Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Once she and Hudson were at the door, Hudson paused to look back at Christine. “You did good today, Christine. I’m proud of you.”
Christine smiled at him. “Thank you, Hudson.”
Once they were gone, I sat up a bit in my bed. “What plans?”
August grinned wildly. “Today, I’m taking my girl to the altar.”
“She wanted to get married standing in Lord Nathan’s blood—that would have been something,” Leo joked, but his eyes echoed a deep-seated hurt. I glowered, wishing I could dig into his mind and get rid of his doubts. Christine was mine—ours.
“I still have an idea,” Christine interjected, her voice gentle yet purposeful. “I thought a bonfire behind us while we said ‘I do’ would be nice.”
“Little Monster,” I murmured, admiration practically dripping from my mouth. “You’re so damn sexy when you talk about burning our enemies.”
“I’d marry you in this hospital room if I had to,” August declared with a resolute tone and a steely gaze. “Do you still want to walk her down the aisle, brother?”
“I’ll crawl if I must,” I declared confidently, pushing the nurse call button as a token of my commitment.
August ran his hand through his hair and glanced at Leo out of the corner of his eye. “I need a best man.”
Leo gazed at all of us in turn, gulping audibly. “I’ve always stood by your side, August. Shouldn’t stop now.”
I growled and took Christine’s hand in mine as the nurse entered the room. It was time to take my Little Monster to her wedding.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I stood with a fierce fire blazing behind me, illuminating the battlefield with its glow. The charred corpses at my feet served as a reminder of our victory over our enemies, while the billowing smoke carried our triumphant cries to the star-filled night sky. I could feel the weight of destiny on my shoulders as I shifted nervously, my gaze sweeping over the soot-covered soldiers and lords that filled the royal gardens.
I welcomed the pressure of fate that brought me to this place and time. I had accepted a crown, but love had brought me to my knees. I wanted her name to be tied to mine forever, and for my title to come from her lips and her soul. She had made me a powerful man, and I was hers and she was mine. There was no other title that could encompass our burning love.
Leo stood beside me, his presence a balm to the anxiousness that coursed through me. He tugged on the immaculate collar of his uniform and waved at his mother, who was sitting in the front row just beside Elizabeth DuPont.
“I always knew you’d marry her one day,” he said softly, his voice conveying a combination of wistfulness and wonder.
I couldn’t help but smile a little at his words. Turning to him, I looked into his eyes and nodded slowly. “Me too,” I replied.
He let out a little chuckle, his lip quirking up at one side. “Just expected it to hurt a little more.”
I looked at the crowd once more, then dropped my mouth open in shock when I saw Adonis fast walking toward me. His arm was cradled in a sling as he marched forward, a look of determination on his face. “Augustus!” he snapped, making my spine straighten.
“Adonis, what are you—”
“I taught you how to drive. I followed you to the ends of the earth—”