Page 30 of Bloody Royals
I stopped myself from cupping her perky ass to process her words. “Why?” I asked. What the fuck was happening?
As if summoned, my mother’s voice rang out. “Come along now,” the illustrious former queen said with a smirk. Even though she’d lost her title the moment my father died, she still spoke with an heir of superiority. She was walking into the dining room with her entourage on her heels. I hadn’t even noticed her approaching. My mother looked apologetically giddy—and far too excited for a meeting with the sexist pricks that made our lives a living nightmare. I hated the lords, but we all had a part to play. I needed to know what she had planned.
Christine let out a huff of air and followed my mother. She looked like a motherfucking goddess, with her shoulders rolled back and her chin tilted up in defiance. Even though I had no idea what was going on, I refused to let it get to me. With Leo hot on my tail, I scurried up to Christine and grasped her slender arm in order to walk beside her.
“What’s the deal? Am I a total dick for being happy that you’re staying? Do you think we can sneak out of here early? Why are you at a dinner for diplomats, anyway?”
Each question made me feel pathetic.
Christine clenched her jaw, as if the rigid, silent strength could force the words she wanted to scream to dissolve on her tongue. Something was wrong. Didn’t she have a meeting with my mother this morning? She didn’t answer a single question, and that made me worry even more.
My voice was tender as I whispered, “Are you alright?” With one hand on her back, I guided her to her seat and sat beside her. Queen Isabelle positioned herself at the head of the table. Surrounding us were a couple dozen assholes decorated in the royal crest and wearing black suits of mourning. Some men were so old that hair was growing out of their oversized ears. Christine and my mother were the only women sitting here. I’d never noticed before how unbalanced these dinners were. Mom always carried herself so effortlessly. Though she was challenged often, the lack of diversity in the room never really occurred to me. But now that Christine was fidgeting in her seat, it felt different. I didn’t like the way all the men stared hungrily at her.
“I didn’t realize this meeting was open to everyone,” a stuffy man said, eyeing her. “This was supposed to be a formal meeting.”
I scowled at him, and another one piped up. “Oh, I don’t mind. It’s been a while, Christine. You’ve grown into quite a striking young woman. Shame your father didn’t spawn a male heir. It would be pleasant to have the House of Rose on our council again.”
Christine pursed her lips and nodded in greeting.
“I’m sure a pretty thing like her would rather shop than discuss royal matters,” another diplomat chimed in, earning a chorus of laughter. My mother’s eyes thinned ever so slightly. It was the quiet equivalent of her saying fuck you.
“She is a pleasure to look at,” another said. “And she’s quiet. The perfect woman. I remember Lord Geralt wanted to marry her the moment she turned eighteen. Youthful women are so much easier to keep docile. As they get older, you have to deal with opinions. God rest his soul, he would have molded her beautifully.”
More laughter. Christine turned impossibly pale.
I might like to fuck my way through the entire northern hemisphere, but I wasn’t about to sit here and let them talk to Christine like that. Not when she was a flight risk.
I shouldn’t have had that edible and probably should have taken my Ritalin today.
Christine trembled slightly, and I decided enough was e-motherfucking-nough. I was all over the damn place.
“Enough,” I growled while slamming a fist on the tablecloth. “No leering at Christine and keep your comments to yourself.” A few of the men gave me surprised looks. I shocked myself with the outburst. I am rarely fucked enough to care about these meetings. My parents might have groomed me to be the future king, but they both struggled with relinquishing control. I hadn’t stepped into my role because I hadn’t had to. And I sure as fuck didn’t want to.
Mother looked pleased. “You’ll have to forgive August. He’s learning how to navigate his newly assigned role.”
“A king never bothers himself with the feelings of a bitch,” one of the elderly men said, spitting his words as he rolled his eyes.
Oh, hell no. You did not just call Christine a bitch.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Advisor Kerick,” he replied with a grumble, as if offended I had to ask. Fuck you, Kerick. You’re nothing.
“So you have no birthright or title, correct? You aren’t a lord?” I asked, making some of the men chuckle. Fuck them. So what if I didn’t know everyone’s job? This was why they shouldn’t crown me as the damn king.
“No, Your Majesty. Your grandfather hired me forty years ago.”
“Sounds like it’s time for you to retire then. You’re fired,” I snapped with a growl.
My mother’s brows raised, and the entire room erupted. “You can’t do that,” Advisor Kerick yelled. His voice was old and worn.
“I think I just did,” I growled before leaning back in my chair and popping my neck. What good was being the king if I couldn’t get rid of assholes on the advisory board? And since my father wasn’t here to veto my opinions, I could actually do something.
“His father isn’t even cold in the ground, and he’s already clearing house,” Lord Ash said loud enough for the entire room to hear. What a prick. He was always stirring up trouble. I was about to go on a rampage. Christine looked alert, her eyes taking in every aspect of the room and absorbing the scowls on everyone’s faces.
“Enough,” my mother said while standing. People still mumbled angrily, but she spoke over them. “August became king the moment my husband died. Did you not swear allegiance to him?” she yelled again. “You will listen to him.” Slowly, the rumbles of disapproval quieted.
My mother looked everyone in the eye before continuing. I knew she loved making everyone hang onto her words. “August is in charge. He took the proper time for mourning, but time is of the essence. The people need to see that he is ready to settle down and establish himself as a good and proper ruler.” I had to force myself not to laugh. Didn’t she know I was high right now? “He is well within his right as the king to appoint advisors he feels will best serve the Crown. I fully support his decision. You are dismissed, Advisor Kerick.” There were a few murmurs of disapproval. The old man got up and stormed out of the room, screaming some shit about us regretting this. Fuck Advisor Kerick. And fuck anyone else that talked shit about Christine. Was this why she left? Was she bullied and I didn’t know about it?