Page 58 of Bloody Royals
I pointed at the woman who wanted my approval on a dinner with a diplomat from Cherish. “Yes to the dinner, no to the treaty they sent over.”
She scribbled a note and ran off as I turned to another member of my team. “Submit a press release that Christine is not pregnant. Yet.” I had every intention of putting a baby in her belly one day. Not because I wanted an heir, but because I wanted to create something with her, which was a wild fucking thought. Now I was thinking about babies?
As if she’d ever fucking let me.
If I ever became worthy of such a thing.
I let out a shaky breath. “Tell the court they can put a fucking crown on my head whenever they want, but I’ll be selecting my advisors. I suggest they start kissing my royal ass if they want to continue to have a job. If they need a hint, tell them I’m particularly fond of Christine Abernathy, and I’ll keep anyone that makes her life easier. Close friends of my father that share his views can pack their bags.”
“Sir,” a man said. “I’m not sure that’s the best course of action.”
“And I’m not sure I give a fuck,” I snapped.
I stomped over to the queen’s sitting room and braced my palms on the door, but it didn’t budge. My anxiety grew and grew. My heart seemed to thud painfully fast. It felt like I was standing at the edge of a cliff and all of my responsibilities were pushing me toward the ground. “Why is this door locked?” My voice sounded panicked.
Someone squeaked. “It’s being renovated, sir, while your mother is visiting the countryside.”
I scowled. Renovated? My mother was all about tradition; it was rare anything changed in this castle. “I want my mother to come back immediately.”
“She has meetings with Lady Attlee tomorrow to discuss a charity gala, then—”
“Fine. Tell her I want her in my office in two days,” I barked.
Adonis leaned in. “Your office, sir?”
I let out a frustrated breath. “Yes. My office. My father is dead, is he not?”
Adonis’s lip quirked. “He is, sir.”
“So his office is now my office. Bring me my mother immediately. If she argues with you, tell her the king demands it.”
I turned to find the damn office where my father worked. I used to avoid the room like the plague, so I couldn’t exactly remember where it was.
Once again, everyone was staring at me.
Always fucking staring.
My chest grew heavy, an invisible weight bearing down on my shoulders as I looked at the crowd. “What the fuck are you looking at?”
Some scattered off. Adonis placed his hand on my back. “Shall I accompany you to your office, sir?”
I shrugged him off but was…comforted by his presence. Adonis always seemed to recognize when I needed him. Maybe he should be an advisor. The old man smiled encouragingly at me, and I eventually—reluctantly—nodded. “Everyone else leave me be,” I grunted before following after my assistant. Once we were alone—or at least as alone as anyone could be in a bloody castle bursting at the seams with people—I let out a sigh.
“Quite the display of authority, sir,” Adonis said while giving me the side-eye. He was always such a sassy bastard.
“I’m the king now,” I replied. “I’m just trying to step up.”
“I think you did a good job,” he lied.
“You’ve always told me what I wanted to hear, Adonis. I used to appreciate your ass-kissing, but I’m starting to see the value in a man who tells the truth.”
“Fine,” he said with a wave of his hand. “You’re freaking out and everyone knows it.”
I laughed. “That obvious?”
I slowed my pace and he stopped walking to answer me. “Yes. Which part intimidates you, sir?”
“All of it. They all just stare at me, waiting to ask their questions and expecting answers.”