Page 31 of Shattered Vows
“Thanks.” She returned their smiles. “That’s very kind of you. I do hope I get into the swing of things before Roxie boots me out of here.”
“Oh pa-tosh! That’s nonsense,” Mrs. Abbot said. “You seem like a nice—”
“Well, if it isn’t the two most beautiful women in the world.”
She swung her gaze toward the familiar baritone, and her breath caught in her chest. Quinn. In uniform. With a wide smile and mischief twinkling in his gray eyes. Wow.
“Mrs. Abbot, Mrs. Yoshida, it’s always a pleasure.” He raised each of their hands to his lips as they giggled. He shot a wink at Alex. “You’re not too shabby, either.”
Heat zinged through her body, and she felt a flush creep over her face. She was pretty sure her mouth had fallen open. She prayed she wasn’t drooling.
Friendly, neighborly Quinn? She was familiar with that.
Playful and flirty Quinn?
Holy. Crap.
Next level.
Words failed her, and she could only watch as Quinn led Mrs. Abbot and Mrs. Yoshida to a nearby table, where they proceeded to fall over each other to get his attention. And Quinn, sending the occasional smile her way, kept them entertained.
She straightened in her chair and tried to refocus on her notes. Every few seconds, she was distracted by the women bursting into laughter with a “Oh, Quinn, you devil!” or a “Aren’t you just the cutest, Quinn?”
The distraction was real.
So the man was charming. So what? Lots of people were charming. Just like lots of people looked that tempting in a sheriff’s uniform.
Wait, what? Tempting? Good grief, woman!
He didn’t tempt her. Definitely not. She was only watching him out of the corner of her eye to make sure the customers were comfortable.
Yeaaah. She didn’t buy it either.
Quinn rose, excusing himself from Mrs. Abbot and Mrs. Yoshida, and walked to her table.
All Alex’s thoughts came to a halt. She held her breath.
Holding your breath?Not a good sign.
He sank into the chair next to her. “How’s your first day going?”
“Busy,” she said, willing her racing pulse to slow. “I mean, I knew there would be stuff to learn, but...” She held up her notepad, fanning out the pages for him to see.
“It’s surprising, isn’t it?” Leaning forward, he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
His touch sent an electric current of awareness through her veins. Her heart tripped.
When they’d first met, he’d waited for permission before touching her. He’d always been respectful, always given her the opportunity to pull away. As they’d gotten to know each other better over the last couple of weeks, she’d become more comfortable with him, allowing more of his casual touches.
Quinn smiled at her, a look of longing seemed to flicker across his face.
No way. She was losing her damn mind.
She swallowed against her suddenly dry throat. “What’s surprising?”