Page 61 of Shattered Vows
What had just spewed from Roxie’s mouth was a bit insulting, and yet oddly admirable.
“Fair enough,” she said. “You’re entitled to your opinions, and I can respect that. Honestly, I’m glad he has a loyal friend looking out for him.”
“I do truly apologize if I hurt you with my earlier oh-so-mature behavior... and my flavor-of-the-month comment. I hope you know that Quinn’s really not like that. So, I’m sorry.” With a hopeful smile, Roxie extended her arms out to Alex. “We okay?”
As far as apologies went, Roxie’s might have been the most rambling one ever. But itwasan apology. With no apparent catch.
“We’re good,” she said, giving the other woman a hug.
Beaming, Roxie turned and opened the refrigerator. She retrieved two cartons of grape juice, one red and one white, and held them up for inspection. “Merlot or chardonnay?”
Alex chuckled. Though a bit work crazy and overprotective of her best friend, Roxie really was sweet.
“Merlot, please.”
* * *
Quinn had been banished to the backyard so Roxie could apologize. When he heard laughter coming from the kitchen, he figured it was safe to return. Closing the door behind him, he stopped dead in his tracks.
Alex. Leaning against the counter. Swimming in his favorite Seahawks T-shirt, jogging shorts, and socks.
It wasn’t an attractive outfit. No woman he knew would willingly be caught dead in that getup.
She should’ve looked ridiculous.
He bit back a groan.
Shouldwas the operative word.
His mouth turned to dust.
Her still-damp hair cascaded down her back like a black waterfall. Her skin glowed—yeah, fuckingglowed—and there was a twinkle in her brown eyes as she listened to Roxie tell a story with animated enthusiasm.
Damn. He’d never wanted a woman more.
She caught his eye and smiled.
Holy shit.
His heart thunked. Hard. That smile annihilated him. It made her light up as if someone had turned a spotlight on her. And to know that she was happy to see him was amazing. Humbling. Fucking fantastic.
For a few heartbeats, she held his gaze. Her eyes softened, then... heated.
His pulse quickened and something shifted deep in his chest. Whatever it was, it felt right, felt so damn good, and he knew it had been slowly building since he’d met her.
One smile.
That’s all it had taken to push him over the edge. This beautiful little slip of a woman had just soured him to all others. With one damn smile.
* * *
The air shifted as Quinn stepped into the kitchen, and she became acutely aware of her racing heart.
He wore the same clothes as earlier, but his blue corduroy shirt was now unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his white T-shirt underneath was untucked from his jeans. His dark hair was tousled, and as he watched her, he ran a hand over the stubble covering his jaw.
The man was positively edible.