Page 71 of Shattered Vows
Dressed in a fluffy purple robe with a towel atop her head, Roxie laughed. “Are you kidding me? Quinn’s idea of decorating is setting up a recliner and a giant TV and calling it done. The man doesn’t grasp the idea of painting the walls any color other than white. And actually hanging things up on the walls for decoration? Nope.”
Alex chuckled, then frowned. She pictured Quinn’s cozy home. Its navy and taupe walls. Off-white accents. Dark mahogany furniture. “But his place is so nice.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Roxie’s smile was smug. “He wouldn’t let me go any crazier than that color palette.”
She nodded. “Ah, I see. It’s all coming together.”
Roxie dug through her closet, then held up two outfits, both black. One was a short A-line dress with spaghetti straps, the other a skirt-and-top combo. “Which do you think?”
“They’re both gorgeous. But since I’m so short, I’ll go with the dress.”
“Exactly what I thought.” Roxie nodded and handed the dress to her before disappearing into the bathroom with the two-piece outfit. “See if that fits you,” she said through the door. “It’ll probably be a little big since you’re so tiny. What are you? A size zero? Two? But I’ve got some belts and sashes we can play around with to make it fit.”
Changing out of her clothes, she slipped into the dress. As she struggled to pull up the zipper along the back, Roxie emerged from the bathroom. Wearing the long, slim pencil skirt and matching strapless corset top, the woman looked like an Amazonian queen. Even with the towel still wrapped atop her head.
Roxie walked over and zipped up her dress. “What size shoes do you wear?”
“Six. Six and a half.”
Roxie pursed her lips as she eyed Alex from head to toe. “Hmm, that could be a problem.”
It took all her willpower to not fidget with the skirt of the dress. It was like she was back in middle school, and Roxie was the popular girl sizing her up. “What?”
Frowning, Roxie turned back to the closet and began digging. After a moment, she pulled out a wide silver sash. “Tie this around your waist.”
Facing the full-length mirror, she realized why Roxie looked concerned. The dress had transformed her into a giant ink stain. With spaghetti straps.
“I wear a nine, but let me check with the others.” Roxie’s thumbs flew over her phone. “It’d be a shame to wear sneakers with that dress.”
Five minutes later, Alex’s wardrobe problems were solved. Nina would bring an extra pair of shoes, and the silver-sashed dress, with a pull here and a fold there, accentuated her small waist and flared at her knees.
She took in her reflection and smiled.
You have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing. It’s time to let go of the guilt and allow yourself to move on.
She allowed herself to admit that she looked nice, and that little progress forward warmed her with happiness. It had been a long time since she’d felt this good about herself. The realization made her smile grow.
Baby steps.
Interrupting her reverie, Roxie pulled her into the bathroom and gestured to the heap of cosmetics on the counter. “Feel free to use whatever you want.”
Standing side by side, they began the female ritual of primping.
Roxie opened a bottle of foundation. “It’s my turn now.”
Alex’s brows rose in question.
“For the personal question. You asked me about me and Joe. It’s my turn.”
“Oh.” Trepidation had her forehead crinkling. “Okay. Ask away.”
“What’s going on with you and Quinn?”
“Oh, um, well...” She fumbled, meeting Roxie’s curious stare in the mirror. “What do you want to know?”
“Look, Alex. Quinn’s like my brother. You know that. So trust me, Idon’twant to know the details.” She pretended to gag. “I just want to know what’s going on. From your perspective.”
“Like a what-are-my-intentions kind of thing?”