Page 75 of Shattered Vows
As they came down, the only sounds in the closet were their labored breaths and thudding hearts. Until Alex chuckled.
“Well now, Sheriff, that’s my idea of a break.”
He laughed. “You have no idea, sweetheart.” He placed a tender kiss on her lips and surveyed the dimly lit room. Paper towels, soap, trash bags, and various cleaning supplies lined the shelves. “I can safely say I’ve never donethatin a storage closet before.”
Pulling out of her warmth, he moaned. Then he set her on her feet and reached down to pull up his slacks, pausing to pick up her torn panties.
“Looks like you’re going commando for the rest of the evening, sweetheart. Sorry about that.” He wasn’t sorry in the least bit. He pocketed her panties and grabbed a roll of paper towels, tearing off a handful for her.
“Souvenir?” She laughed, nodding to his pocket while she cleaned up. “You look like the cat that just ate the canary.”
“I kind of feel like it.” He took the wadded-up paper towels from her and tossed them into the garbage bin he’d spied in the corner. When she finished straightening her dress, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. Because he could. “I was pretty rough. Did I hurt you?”
“No.” Her hands framed his face as she drew his lips back to hers. “You could never hurt me, Quinn.”
He lost himself in their kiss. His hands wandered over her delicate curves, and his desire stirred yet again. Damn. He truly couldn’t get enough of her. By the way she rubbed herself against his hard cock, it seemed the feeling was mutual. Thank fuck.
A loud knock at the door made them both jump.
“Roxie’s looking for you guys,” a familiar voice said from the other side. “And she looks pissed. Though that probably has nothing to do with you two and everything to do with me.”
Alex’s face flushed a shade of red deep enough for him to see—an impressive feat, considering it was so damn dark in the storage room. She used both hands to cover her mouth, which had fallen open.
Damn. He was in deep. And he was completely good with it.
“Thanks, Joe. We’ll be right out,” he said, humor lifting his words. He slung an arm over Alex’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. He’ll be discreet.” He dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “Besides, he knows I’ll pummel him if he’s not.”
* * *
By nine o’clock, all the food had been cleared, and Comfort Food’s inaugural catering event had been deemed an official hit. Alex was beyond impressed by Roxie’s accomplishments tonight. Her friend had managed to line up nine new catering jobs, network with the crowd, oversee Mrs. Green’s waitstaff, and completely avoid Joe.
“Thanks for all your help, Alex.” An exhausted, happy smile shone on Roxie’s face. “I truly appreciate it. This was such an important night.”
“Such asuccessfulnight,” she corrected. “And thank you for what you said about me and Quinn earlier. Reminding me to enjoy the now and not dwell on the what-ifs. I truly appreciate it.”
“We’re indebted to each other, then.” Roxie nodded toward the reception hall’s main door. “I’m going to head out. Are you going to stay for a little bit?”
Alex stacked a couple of empty trays. “No, actually. Quinn and Joe are stuck in some conversation with the mayor about who knows what, and my feet are killing me. Can I get a ride with you?”
“Absolutely. Why don’t you leave those?” Roxie waved at the trays. “Mrs. Green’s people will take care of everything.”
“Sounds good to me.” She rolled her neck from side to side. “I’ll meet you out front. Let me just say goodbye.”
As she approached the trio of men, she waved to get Quinn’s attention. He immediately excused himself from Mayor Green and Joe. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Hey, yourself. I’m going to catch a ride home with Roxie. I’m exhausted.” She stifled a yawn.
“I can see that.” He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Do you want to stay at my place?”
“No, that’s okay. I think I’m just going to crash.”
“Well, that’s probably for the best since Joe will be staying at my place tonight. He didn’t want to impose on you.”
Her forehead scrunched. “But I’m staying athishouse.”
Quinn shrugged and traced her jawline with his finger. Her insides melted at the gentle touch.