Page 90 of Shattered Vows
“You are such a jackass. I didn’t—”
“Again, Roxanne.” Joe gave her a withering look. “Not everything is about you.”
Alex’s brows climbed up her forehead. What was going on with these two?
“You’re right, Joe.” Roxie’s green eyes narrowed, and her voice took on a saccharine quality. “Apparently, everything is aboutyou.” She scoffed, then turned to Quinn and Alex, a genuine smile brightening her face. “Congratulations, you guys. Really.” She pulled them into a group hug. “You guys are perfect for each other.” With a sniff, she stepped back—and then pulled Alex in for another hug.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” Roxie whispered.
She hugged her friend back with everything she had. “Thank you, Roxie.”
Blowing out a breath, Roxie gave her a final squeeze before heading for the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“What about the dishes?” Joe asked, hands on his hips. “And what about the mess you made in my kitchen? I swear to god, Roxanne, I’m not cleaning all of it up by myself.”
“Go to hell, Joe.” Roxie’s smile was all teeth as she sailed past him.
“Welcome to life with Roxie and Joe,” Quinn muttered.
She swallowed a chuckle as Joe stared at the door, fuming.
“What the hell was that?” he asked, facing them. His expression was a mixture of disbelief and annoyance.
Quinn shrugged. “You know the deal. If she cooks, there’s no way in hell she cleans. It’s why she started cooking in the first place, remember?”
Joe shook his head and walked to the sink. “Fine. I’ll load, O’Conner, and you can do the stuff that doesn’t fit. Then you can come over and help me clean up my kitchen.”
Quinn cleared his throat. “Oh, would you look at that? It’s getting late, and Alex has been on her feet forwaytoo long today.” He carefully swooped her up into his arms, and she grinned. “I should really get her to bed.”
Joe glared at him. “Don’t even think about it, Connie.”
“I’m an engaged man now, Buchanan.” He smirked. “The old ball and chain here is the new boss. And she really is looking tired.”
Joe turned his glare to her.
She snorted. “Nope. Don’t get me involved in this.”
“Fine,” Joe grumbled, shaking his head. “I’ll take care of all this.”
Just as they made it through the kitchen archway, Joe called out, “Oh, hey!”
They paused, looking back at him.
He met Alex’s gaze, and his blue eyes softened. “I’m glad you and the baby are okay, doll. And congratulations. Truly. But just so you know, there are no takebacks. You’re stuck with that jackass. Forever.”
She laughed, catching the wink Joe sent her way before Quinn whisked her down the hall to his room.
Thirteen days had passed since Alex’s attack. Since he’d almost lost the woman who’d come to mean more to him than all others.
She’d officially moved in with him after tearfully admitting she was scared to go back to Joe’s house—to where she’d been so violently assaulted. So, over the ten days since she’d been released from the hospital, she’d rested and healed under his watchful gaze.
He winced. Roxie had laughed her ass off when he’d used the wordwatchfulwith her. She’d saidoverprotectiveandhoveringwere more accurate terms.
Was he overprotective and hovering when it came to Alex? He sure as fuck was. If he didn’t have eyes on her, then someone he trusted did. When Alex wasn’t with him, she was with Roxie. And so what if he’d asked Cade, Deputy Chase, and Doc to all swing into Comfort Food during the day to make sure she was okay?
As caveman as it sounded, she was his. Period. That baby? His. Maybe nottechnically, but he didn’t care about the semantics. And if he went a little overboard protecting his family, then so be it. Because that’s what Alex and the baby were now—his family.