Page 94 of Shattered Vows
She gave Roxie an understanding nod. “I get it. I really do. But unfortunately for you, Joe’s going to be staying in town for the next few days. So, you’re just going to have to suck it up and deal with him.”
Roxie’s mouth dropped open. Again. “Whose side are you on?”
“That’s exactly the problem. I don’t want to be on aside. It’s not about you versus him. It’s about the two of you needing to get over whatever it is that’s bothering you guys and act like adults. Simple as that.”
“But it’s not my fault!” Roxie huffed.
She couldn’t stop the corners of her mouth from tipping up. “Let me guess, he started it?”
Roxie released an angry sigh. “Look, I know it may seem like I’m acting like a child, but I’m really not.”
“Have you ever thought that if you stopped reacting to him, he’d stop picking at you?”
“This isn’t him just being annoying. Annoying is what Quinn can be. I can handle annoying. But Joe? Joe isevil, Alex. Pure evil.”
She rolled her eyes. Oh boy...
“Okay, fine,” Roxie spat. “Maybeevilis stretching it. Still, he says mean and hurtful things, and I will not sit quietly while he insults me. I won’t do it anymore.” Roxie took a breath. When she exhaled, her shoulders sagged. “But you’re right. My yelling at him does no good. In some sick, twisted way, it probably just eggs him on. The bastard.”
“Roxie!” Quinn called from the front. “Phone. Line one, uh, I think.”
“Thanks, Alex. You’re a lifesaver. Or a business-saver, in this case.” Roxie gave her a quick side hug, then picked up her landline.
Out front, Alex settled back onto her stool. Comfort Food was still quiet, with only Joe, Quinn, Mrs. Abbot, and Mrs. Yoshida occupying a table.
Quinn noticed her return and rose, glancing at his watch. He crossed the room to her. “We need you to come back to Joe’s house with us. Roxie, too.”
She nodded. “Sure, but good luck getting Roxie out of here before closing time. She won’t budge.”
“Who won’t budge?” Roxie asked, coming out of the kitchen area.
“You,” Quinn answered.
Roxie’s brow knit in confusion. “Why am I budging?”
“Joe and I need the two of you to come back to the house.”
“It’s quiet now, so go ahead and take Alex home. I’ve got a few more hours before I’m out.” Roxie turned to answer the ringing phone.
“What’d I tell you?” she said to Quinn, her smile smug.
When Roxie hung up, he caught her attention. “I need you to head over to Joe’s when you’re finished here. You’re done at four today.”
“Probably closer to five thirty,” Roxie said while she rearranged the refrigerated display case. “I have inventory.”
“You’re done at four today,” he repeated, his voice low. It wasn’t a request.
Roxie’s head whipped up.
Alex understood why; there was a definite command in Quinn’s tone. She frowned, her nerves tingling with apprehension. She couldn’t read the look he was giving Roxie, but whatever message his gray eyes relayed to her worked.
“Okay, Quinn.” Roxie nodded. “I’ll head out at four.”
He helped Alex down from the stool, then ushered her toward the door, pausing at Mrs. Abbot and Mrs. Yoshida’s table. “Ladies, I hate to break up the reunion, but I need to steal Joe from you.”
She chuckled as the women rose and fluttered about, making one final fuss over both men.
On their way to the door, she saw Roxie and Joe throw glares at each other. She cringed. They were like a couple of middle schoolers, not adults in their mid-freaking-thirties. It took all her effort to not roll her eyes. She had no clue how Quinn hadn’t already strangled them both.