Page 124 of Fight for Me
The anesthesiologist arrived a little over an hour later and Anne was so thrilled to see him, she put away how irritated she was for taking an hour to get to her.
Anne didn’t bat an eye when he pulled out the needle that would go into her spine, though Blane turned a bit green.
The pains were so bad now that she moaned constantly when they hit, her whole body consumed with the pain. The epidural hurt, but pain was relative, and it barely registered on her radar.
The anesthesiologist adjusted the medication drip and Anne already felt a gradual numbing sensation spreading from her waist down. The ease of the pains was a relief that nearly brought tears to her eyes. She had always thought she took pain well, but labor pains were an entirely different story.
It took hours, but eventually it was time to push. Blane looked about as bedraggled as she felt. She’d been in labor now for fourteen hours. And she’d be reminding these babies of that come every Mother’s Day.
Anne was so tired, everything was a bit of a blur. The doctor, the pushing, the pain. Right up until she heard a weak cry. Her eyes flew open.
“And here’s the boy!” the doctor held up a tiny, squalling thing, which he immediately handed to one of the two waiting nurses, who whisked him over to the waiting warming table.
“One more now. Push, my dear.”
Anne didn’t want to push. She wanted to rest. So badly. She hadn’t slept now in, what, thirty-six hours? More?
But her body didn’t agree. The urge to push was overwhelming and she had to obey. Blane helped her sit up and she pushed, gritting her teeth.
A few minutes later, there was another squall and the doctor held up another bundle of a very put out baby.
“And the girl,” he announced before handing her over to the other nurse.
“One more for the placenta, then it’s over,” the doctor encouraged.
Somehow she managed, then fell back onto the bed, utterly spent. Blane swept her hair back from her sweaty face before placing a kiss on her forehead.
“You did amazing,” he praised her. “You’re incredible.”
That was when the nurses brought the babies to them. Handing one to Blane and the other to Anne.
“We’ll need to take them to the nursery, but you get to see them first,” a nurse explained.
Anne looked down at the little face blinking up at her and a feeling exploded inside. Love. Like she’d never felt before. Tears filled her eyes.
“Oh, Blane,” she whispered, looking up at him. His eyes were glistening, too.
They’d wrapped the girl in pink, the boy in light blue. After a few moments, Blane and Anne traded. Happiness soared through Anne, the pain of labor forgotten. She never knew she could be so happy.
The nurses allowed just a few minutes before taking the babies away. Anne was sorry to see them go, but the doctor had to stitch her episiotomy and clean her up anyway. She was glad she was still numb down there. Blane collapsed into a chair, his head falling back with his eyes shut. He was exhausted, too.
Once Anne was fixed up, another two nurses came in to finish the job and change her sheets. Anne thanked them, glancing to where Blane was sound asleep in the chair. The nurses left and Anne was out like a light.
* * *
“You’re going too fast. Slow down.”
“I’m going twenty-five in a thirty-five.”
“It feels faster. Just slow down.”
Blane let off the gas pedal with a sigh. He couldn’t argue that the first car ride home with the two tiny bundles in the back was nerve wracking. They were just so…little. Five pounds seven ounces and five pounds six ounces respectively. They were eating well and should gain weight pretty quickly, the doctor had assured them.
The Secret Service agents trailed them, hopping out of their car when Blane and Anne pulled into the driveway. Two other agents would be waiting inside. Bucker raised his wrist to his mouth and spoke.
“Trident, Treasure, Tater, and Tot are at home base. Prepare for receipt. Over.”
Blane hid a smile at the code names for the babies. He caught Anne’s gaze and she rolled her eyes.