Page 54 of Loved By a Warrior
“He’s warm to the touch,” Tara explained, “but he’s grown no hotter, which is good. He’ll need to be watched closely.”
“Do not worry, I’ll have my eyes on him all night,” Mara said, entering the room, Carmag following her in.
Carmag walked over to Reeve, and whispered, “Bryce is talking with the Picts.”
Reeve wasn’t surprised that Bryce had remained with the Picts. He had a way of talking with people and finding out things that they hadn’t realized they knew, or perhaps had not thought of to share.
“Duncan, feed your wife,” Mara ordered. “Reeve, see to it that Tara rests.”
Both men assured her they would, both knowing that it was her way of saying I love you both, but your brother needs me now.
Reeve and Duncan exchanged anxious glances when they watched their father go to his wife’s side and place his hand on her shoulder. In turn, their mother rested her hand on top of his. They were drawing strength from each other, as they always did in time of crisis; only this time it was obvious that they were frightened. They feared losing their son.
Reeve and Duncan stopped outside the door once it was closed, their hands clutched firmly to their women.
“I wish there was more we could do,” Reeve said.
“There is,” Mercy said. “Pray.”
Though worried about his brother, Reeve also worried about Tara. Once in his bedchamber, she let go of his hand and walked over to the fireplace, stretching, as if easing out the pain as her hand rubbed at her lower back.
He came up behind her, his hand gently moving hers aside, his fingers rubbing where hers had been. He felt the tautness in her muscles, no doubt from the hours she had spent bent over Trey stitching his wounds. He kneaded the stiff muscles, and she sighed.
“That feels so good.”
“Lie on the bed, and I’ll make you feel even better.”
She turned in haste, her tired eyes forced wide.
Normally he would have grinned and teased, but she didn’t need that now from him. She needed reassurance that he simply wanted to tend her.
“My only thought is to rid you of this pain,” he said.
Her shoulders slumped, along with her sigh of relief, and she eagerly went to the bed.
He knew it would be easier without the interference of her clothes. Besides she would sleep better as well, but he wasn’t sure if she would agree. And he wasn’t sure if it was wise.
He asked anyway. “You should get out of those clothes. You’ll rest better.”
She turned. “That is true. And since you are honorable, and I trust you and your word, I shall disrobe.”
Reeve groaned silently. He would have no choice but to be respectful and true to his word, no matter how hard. And he was already hard as it was.
“Turn around,” she said.
Reeve did with great reluctance, but he had given his word, and he would keep it. He heard her slip her garments off, and his mind couldn’t help but take flight. Her full breasts, her slim waist, her wide curvy hips painted irresistible images, and he ached to see her beauty.
He heard the creak of the bed, and he took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to do wouldn’t be easy. He warned himself against being selfish and kept that warning strong when she told him that she was ready.
He was ready as well, though not in the same sense, and he turned around with all the courage and strength of a mighty Highlander warrior.
He almost lost it when he saw her lying on her stomach, her arms wrapped around the pillow her head rested on. She was naked down to her lower back, the blanket serving as a boundary he was not to go beyond. Her body was exquisite, just the right curves and mounds that he favored.
His silent reprimand rang loudly in his head, and he was glad for the warning. He pushed the dangerous thoughts aside and walked over to her. She had left room for him to sit beside her, and he did. He focused on what he needed to do, and his hands went directly to her lower back.
He began kneading from the center out, his hands following the natural, seductive curve of her back. He would have lingered to admire her beauty, but her stubborn muscles captured his attention, and he worked diligently on them. Pressing and kneading, working the obstinate flesh until ...