Page 68 of Loved By a Warrior
He liked the latter answer better.
He refused to think of anything but her need for rest. He would not linger on the softness of her skin, or her luscious curves, or her plump, moist lips.
He grumbled silently, feeling himself already swelling with desire. He’d get her settled in his bed and leave the room.
She didn’t even stir when he lifted her into his arms and carried her out. Sleep had laid a heavy hand on her, and he didn’t believe she’d be waking up anytime soon.
He laid her gently on the bed once in his bedchamber and went to take off her boots. He stopped when he saw that her ankle had once again swelled. He took off the one and worried that taking off the other would wake her, but if he left it on, and it continued to swell ...
With a shake of his head and a gentle touch he began to ease the boot off. He grinned, seeing that his endeavors looked to be successful until he reached a point that proved difficult. He struggled, carefully if that was possible, and just when he thought he hadit...
She gave a yelp as her eyes sprung open wide.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
Her eyes fought to remain open. “I twisted it on the stairs.”
He almost chastised her for not telling him sooner though he realized that wasn’t what she needed from him at the moment. “Is there anything I can do?”
Her eyes had closed, and he knew what she needed ... sleep.
He tucked the warm wool blankets around her and added another log to the fire. He returned to the bed, leaned over, and kissed her cheek.
“I do believe I love you, Tara—” He eased up to his full height and stared down at her, wondering what clan she had belonged to. Part of her was still very much a mystery to him.
He grinned as he walked to the door. He’d unravel her one layer at a time, and the thought produced the most delightful image.
With hunger gnawing at his stomach, Reeve hurried downstairs to the great hall. He didn’t think his mum would be there, but some of the others would be, and he looked forward to sitting and talking with them.
He saw that Willow was at the table with Carmag and Bryce, and he joined them, taking the spot next to his brother.
“Tara finally sleeps?” Bryce asked.
“She’s all tucked in,” Reeve said.
“Willow was just telling us of the soldiers,” Carmag said.
She continued as Reeve helped himself to food.
“Jacob and I had to huddle in wait while two soldiers stood only inches from our hiding spot. We heard clearly what they had to say. They were worried that the king was in a snit, angrier than they have ever seen him. It seems that he’s lost something of great importance, and he wants it returned.”
“This confirms what I heard,” Reeve said.
“The soldiers must know what they look for,” Bryce said.
“If they do, they made no mention of it,” Willow said.
“If the soldiers don’t dare speak of it, then they must do so under threat of severe punishment,” Carmag added.
“Or they don’t know what it is they seek,” Bryce said.
Willow shook her head. “How can you search when you don’t know what you search for?”
“The king could have directed them to look for particular signs or listen for certain gossip,” Reeve explained.
“It’s done more often than most realize,” Bryce said. “Many times it has to be kept secret so that a mission doesn’t fail.”
Willow scrunched her brow and looked to Reeve. “I recall Jacob mentioning something after you and Tara left. He told me that one of the soldiers asked if any travelers passed this way recently.” Tears stung her eyes. “The answer didn’t please the soldier, and that’s when they began to—” She wiped at her tears.