Page 80 of Loved By a Warrior
“Anyone in mind?”
She smiled at his grin, which seemed to keep spreading, and the merriment that danced in his dark eyes.
“You tease me,” she said.
“If I protest your wedding the king, what makes you think I would agree to have you wed any other than me?”
Her heart thudded, and her stomach fluttered. But the question was ...
“Why would you wed me?” she asked.
If he claimed that he would wed her for love, then surely the curse would take him and he would die. But whether he claimed it or not, didn’t she already know that he did love her? Was she so fearful of ever being loved again that she didn’t recognize love when it was right in front of her?
He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “That’s a secret I have yet to share with you.”
“Why not share it?” she asked, disappointed, and yet she knew the answer or at least hoped she did.
“Because the time is not right. When the time is right, I will share the secret with you,” he said. “Now you go see if Bliss has time to talk with you, and I will go talk with my family.”
“I should be there.”
“I understand why you want to be, but you cannot,” Reeve said, and continued before she could protest. “There are matters that will come up in the course of the debate that you cannot know about, matters vital to the true king’s return. Know that I will share with you all I can and trust that what I can’t will not affect you in any way.”
“I do trust you,” she said, “though I still wish I could be there.”
He leaned down and kissed her quick then returned to linger before releasing her lips. “I will fight forus.”
“Of that I have no doubt.”
They kissed again.
And when it ended, Reeve said, “I had no intentions for what almost happened when I joined you in bed. I simply wanted to nap wrapped around you.”
“Naked?” She chuckled.
“Well, my first thought may have been—”
She placed her finger to his lips to still his words. “It’s all right. Your embrace was so loving, warm, and welcoming that I never wanted to leave it. I truly wished that we could have finished what was started.”
“I’ll make sure of that.”
“When the curse is gone,” she reminded.
“When the time is right.”
Tara tried to argue, but he shook his head and hurried her to the door. “We must get busy. Time is short.” And out the door he pushed her, following behind.
Time is short.
Reeve wondered, as he took the steps two at a time. Was that what Bliss had been trying to warn him ... time was short because the king was searching for Tara?
Suddenly there was an urgency he hadn’t felt before. He needed to make certain that Tara was protected and that the king, or her father, could not lay claim to her, and there was only one way of doing that.
He burst into the solar to find Duncan, Bryce, and their father waiting there.
“I suppose you have a plan,” Bryce said.
“What makes you think that?” Reeve asked.