Page 85 of Loved By a Warrior
“What if—”She paused, hesitant to ask.
Reeve knew the question, had anticipated it since he would have asked himself. “What if we find ourselves in love?”
“We have discussed the possibility.”
“And we have agreed that we weren’t sure. We were still finding our way with it.”
Her eyes returned to their lovely lavender color though it was filled with sadness. “Then I suppose we should stop finding our way—with love.”
Reeve had to keep himself from doubling over, that was how hard her words had hit him in the gut. He knew she didn’t mean them, but it didn’t help. Hearing it aloud troubled him, and yet in order to get her to wed him, he had to make her believe that love had no part in the decision.
When his father had told him to speak from the heart, he hadn’t realized it would cause him and her so much pain.
Bryce and Duncan entered the hall, preventing Reeve from responding, and he was glad for the interruption. It would have been too difficult to agree with her.
They were both grinning like fools, and since they knew that Reeve loved her, they could damage the progress he had made. He jumped up and went to Tara’s side, slipping his arm around her waist.
“I convinced them that we were in love, or else they would have protested my decision,” he whispered.
Tara never had a chance to reply.
Duncan called out, “So we will have a new sister?”
Reeve grinned and hugged her close. “We wed as soon as arrangements can be made.”
Burly hugs and tender kisses were followed by a wrenching screech of delight as Mara came barreling into the hall, Carmag quick on her heels.
“Another daughter, how blessed are we?” Mara cried out, and flung herself at Tara, wrapping her arms around her. “I knew as soon as I saw you that you were just right for Reeve. He’s not an easy one to deal with, but I could see you had the strength to handle him.”
“Mum, you wound me” Reeve said, feigning hurt though knowing his mother was right. Tara had handled him well from the start and continued to do so.
Mara brushed his protest off with a dismissive wave and continued fawning over Tara. “We’ll have a grand feast. I’ll cook—”
“No!” All the men yelled in unison.
Mara, her back to them, winked at Tara. “Come, we must tell Mercy and Bliss, and where has Willow gone?”
“I sent her to claim one of the empty cottages for herself,” Bryce said.
That had Mara swerving around. “By herself?”
Reeve and Duncan backed away from Bryce as Mara marched over to him.
Bryce’s hands went up like a shield. “I had important matters—”
“Nothing is as important as seeing that one of our own is taken care of,” Mara said. “Now go find her, and then let me know which one she has chosen so that the women may help her settle in.”
Bryce opened his mouth, and Reeve and Duncan grinned at him.
He sent them evil looks, which made the men grin all the more.
“Go now!” Mara ordered, her arm outstretched and her finger pointing to the door.
Bryce mumbled beneath his breath and turned to do as his mother bid, though not before sending death stares at his two brothers.
“What are you two grinning at?” Mara said, turning on her other two sons.
“Happy. I’m happy, Mum,” Reeve said.