Page 92 of Loved By a Warrior
“It could start a war, since my father would never believe that I would willingly go with the Picts.”
Willow gave Tara a hug. “You can do this. You’re a strong woman.”
“Thank you. You don’t know how much your encouragement helps me.”
“We’ll see you again,” Willow said with teary eyes. “Bliss says so.”
That knowledge brought a smile to Tara’s face though it didn’t prevent a tear or two from falling. “I look forward to it.”
“Go,” Willow urged. “Don’t stop and don’t look back.”
Tara did just that. She disappeared into the woods, following the trail Bliss had outlined to Willow though it was more a trail of trees that she had been advised to follow. Willow had assured her that she would not get lost, even with its being the dark of night.
Willow had also explained that if she should accidentally deviate from the prescribed path, she could possibly come upon the king’s men since they waited in the woods to take custody of her. And so Tara kept a keen eye on the towering trees, with particular notches that guided her along the way.
Reeve watched Carnoth grow more and more agitated as an hour passed, and Tara hadn’t returned. He had grown concerned himself. What was keeping her?
Anxiousness grew as chatter slowed, and whispers began circulating the hall as another hour passed and still no Tara.
Carnoth stood angry. “Bring me my daughter now.”
“I’ll go see what’s keeping her,” Mercy offered.
When Mara said she’d go, Mercy hurried off, ignoring the woman and even avoiding her husband’s hand that reached out to stop her.
Reeve sensed something wasn’t right, but there wasn’t much he could do right now but wait and see.
Carnoth started pacing between the tables while his men sat rigid, eyeing the MacAlpin warriors. Tension was brewing, and if Tara didn’t make an appearance soon, a fight just might erupt.
Mercy returned just as Carnoth looked ready to explode.
“Tara is busy tending Trey’s stitches. She will be a bit longer and bids you to retire if you wish.”
Carnoth glanced around at the MacAlpin clan, and Reeve knew what he was thinking, for he would have thought the same. With the MacAlpin family present, Carnoth felt safe that no one was attempting to help his daughter escape. None of the MacAlpins, not even the warriors, had left the hall, so he obviously felt confident in his assumption.
Not so Reeve. He could feel something was going on. Willow had come for Tara and had brushed off Mara’s help. Then Mercy hadn’t even acknowledged Mara’s offer. Something definitely was brewing. He wanted to go find out for himself, but if he left now, it would look suspicious. And if the women were up to something, would his actions interfere?
Reeve waited, feeling ever more the caged animal hungry for release. When Willow finally entered the hall and explained that Tara was still not finished, Carnoth exploded.
“I will have my daughter here now!” he screamed, shaking his fist in the air.
Carmag had no choice; he stepped forward. “Tell Tara that her father demands her presence. She must come now.”
Willow sighed and shook her head. “Tara is not with Trey.”
Carnoth kicked at benches, sending one or two sprawling as he approached Carmag. “What have you done with her?”
“I know nothing—”
“He doesn’t,” Willow said, before Carnoth could accuse him otherwise.
Carnoth took an abrupt step closer to her, his round chest near bumping her. Reeve and Bryce were at her side in an instant.
“Where is my daughter?” Carnoth demanded.
“I don’t know,” Willow said with a shrug.
Reeve was impressed that the blustering man hadn’t upset Willow in the least.