Page 98 of Loved By a Warrior
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and whispered what he wished he could shout. “I love you. I will always love you.”
Chapter 26
Reeve had slept for only a few hours. Tara had woken suddenly a couple of hours before dawn and insisted that he sleep even though he could see she was still fatigued. He didn’t argue, knowing a couple of hours would refresh him enough for the day.
He had been trained as a warrior since a very early age and had learned to exist on little sleep. Tara, however, had not, and he knew the fast pace he set would wear her down though they had little choice.
The king’s soldiers and Carnoth’s men would not rest. They would keep a pace more grueling than the one he and Tara set. And he explained this to her.
She yawned and slipped her bundle on her arm. “Then we will need to set a more strenuous pace. And if I’m correct, that would mean we will reach Pict land by nightfall.”
“It is possible if we can keep a good pace.”
“Then I suggest we get started,” she said, and opened the door.
Reeve grinned and followed her out. Clouds greeted them and a brisk chill, though no snow fell. Reeve took the lead, and Tara remained close behind. He glanced back often to make certain she kept up, and she did, though he wondered how long she could last. They didn’t converse much, a word or two here and there. Instead, they conserved their strength for their laborious journey.
They stopped briefly to grab the food left from last night and ate as they walked. Reeve knew Tara was feeling the pace, but she bravely matched his strides. He was glad for the silence between them, his warrior instincts always more alert in the silence.
The day dragged on, but not their feet, and soon dusk would be falling. An hour or more, and they would reach Pict territory. Though the day had gone well for them, Reeve wouldn’t let his guard down until they were safe, and even then he would be watchful.
He heard it too late, though he was able to draw his sword and shove Tara behind him as he braced for attack. They came charging from the woods, only three, and he knew he could easily do away with them. Then three more charged from another direction, and he felt he’d be able to dispose of them as well, though he worried that in the melee Tara could be taken from him.
“Stay close,” he ordered. “Don’t let them separate us.”
Her back slammed against his.
“Keep alert and let no one near you.”
There was no more time for talk, only time to fight. They attacked from all sides and Reeve took two down right away. The others did as he expected; they tried to separate them. He was impressed and grateful that Tara hadn’t let fear intrude. She bravely kept to his back and he heard a soldier yelp now and again.
“Get her, you fool,” one soldier yelled.
“She’s throwing stones at me,” he answered.
“She’s only a woman.”
“A cursed woman,” Tara yelled. “Look what I’ve brought down on this fool.”
Her threatening words gave the soldiers a brief pause, and Reeve took advantage. In no time, he disposed of two more. He wasn’t happy to see two others emerge from the woods, and he wondered how many more waited in the shadow of the trees.
He fought with the fury of ten men, intent on keeping the soldiers from separating them, and Tara did the same, staying at his back and fending off their attackers with stones.
Reeve took another one down, but they were getting smart, and he feared they would somehow drive a wedge between him and Tara.
“Stay close,” he yelled, as his sword clashed with three, the others circling behind him.
Another soldier fell, and Reeve felt confident that he’d have them all down in no time. When suddenly one circled in a run and charged him from the side, Reeve turned to fend him off, but too late. He went sprawling to the ground, leaving Tara vulnerable.
He scrambled to his feet, and what he saw stabbed at his heart and made him roar with anger. A soldier had hold of her by the hair and was dragging her off into the woods. She was screaming and kicking and clawing at his hand, but he held firm.
Reeve turned on the remaining soldiers with a vengeance. They were no match for his fury, and he disposed of them quickly and made a dash after Tara. He stopped for a moment once in the woods and listened.
God bless her, she was still screaming, and he followed the sound.
He almost panicked when he heard the sound of horses snorting. If they got her on a horse and rode off, he’d never catch them. He broke into a dead run that nothing could stop. He mowed down small bushes, shoved branches out of his way, vaulted over large rocks, and never once slowed down.
He focused on her scream all the while mumbling, “I’m coming for you, Tara. I’m coming for you.”