Page 47 of The Ghost Assassin
“Nice to meet you, Lilah,” he chooses instead. “How about that? Can I call you Lilah?”
“My mother would approve,” I say, and she would. She was always respectful of our country, and those who serve in all ways. It’s what drew her to my father, who at one point, I still believe, was a dedicated, honorable man who held the office of Sheriff.
But as too many prove true, money and power changed him.
“I met her once,” President Arden surprises me by saying. “We were both overseas visiting our armed forces. She was beautiful inside and out. Interesting that as lovely as you are, you didn’t follow in her footsteps, but you instead chose to catch killers.”
More like kill killers, I think, but I don’t think he’d appreciate the finality of that statement or my actions as much as I’d hope. Then again, maybe he would. You don’t make it this high up with a weak spine. “Thank you for the compliment,” I say, because despite the common misconception otherwise, I have manners. “Hollywood and Washington have a lot in common,” I add. “Too much for me.” I don’t elaborate, but the two are in bed together and kissing ninety percent of the time.
“Brutally true,” he agrees, “but I’m working on legislation to limit the way the shared power is manipulated. I can’t tell you how comforting it is to know someone with your track record is on this case and aligned with our mission.” He nods in Ellis’ direction, finally acknowledging him. “Director. Let’s all sit.”
We do what he says, like the rest of the world.
We sit.
“What party are you with, again?” I ask, trying to figure out how aligned he is with my father.
He laughs. “Bad Lilah.” The reprimand is not one of amusement as his laugh suggests, but more a fatherly scolding. “You clearly didn’t vote. It’s an honor many countries do not hold.”
“I was pretty busy catching killers.”
“That’s almost a good excuse but not quite. I’m the first ever independent President, which infuriates the other two parties, but thankfully pleases the people.”
“Who’d you have to pay off to get on the ballot as an independent?”
Ellis mumbles under his breath while the President chuckles. “A lot of wonderful people rallied hard to get me on the ballot. I was fortunate. How are you feeling about the investigation? Who committed these heinous crimes?”
“You tell me.”
“I wish I knew. And it’s hard for us here in Washington to look at things outside a worldview. We see terrorism when sometimes it’s not so broad an answer. Which is why we need you. Have you formed an opinion on the cases at all?”
“All I have at this point are speculation and opinion. In my opinion, it’s a series of revenge killings. It’s going to stay my opinion, as I’m not allowed to conduct a proper investigation for fear of the press getting word of the murders.”
“I realize this is frustrating, but we must tread cautiously. Just as we see things in a broader view, the public often does as well. We can’t risk an assumption of terrorism hitting close to the White House that spirals into widespread panic.”
“If I can’t talk to potential witnesses, I need a clearance that allows me to see the details of the victims’ lives, including Murphy’s time with the CIA.”
“I’ll work on it, but there’s a process.”
“That you can override,” I argue.
“But it’s not always as rapid fire as we all would prefer.”
“Tell me about Murphy,” I urge.
“Yes,” he says. “Let’s talk about Murphy. And the Society, who is far too powerful for the good of our country. They are, in fact, a terrorist threat, which is why Director Ellis is leading our charge towards their eradication.”
I’m not surprised by his knowledge of the Society. He is, after all, the President of the United States. Other pieces of this puzzle, however, do not make sense, which is why I go digging. “What role did Murphy play in trying to eradicate the Society if not to lead the charge himself?”
“The Society is a terrorism threat,” Ellis supplies, “that falls under Homeland, but we had crossover as we tried to pick away at their domestic crimes. He believed you were close enough to the evil to help defeat those in power. Pocher, specifically.”
“He seemed committed to the cause,” President Arden adds. “Almost too committed.”
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“We know Murphy started playing double agent with the Society,” he replies. “Taking risks that could have led to his murder until Marie was killed. She wasn’t involved in the Society takedown at all.”
“How do you know he wasn’t loyal to them?” I ask. “A double agent is tricky to read, and I, too, believe that’s what he became.”