Page 22 of My First Kiss
Piper just looks confused. “Why not?”
“Are you insane? I know you’re still kind of new here but let me explain. I was a band geek. The geekiest of band geeks. Invisible. Linc was a football god. Everyone knew him. He was a legend in this town. There was no way he even knew who I was in high school, and we graduated in a class of like, 200 kids.”
Piper rolls her eyes. “High school was a long time ago, Harlow.”
“I’m not that old,” I say defensively, making her laugh.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” she says. “And stop trying to change the subject. Why did you never make a move on him? Did you ever think that maybe Linc feels the same way?”
I scoff. “Definitely not. And if he did, he’s had, like 20 years to tell me.”
Piper’s voice is gentle. “Maybe he thinks the same thing about you.”
I ignore the sharp spike of hope that zings through me at her words. It’s nothing I didn’t daydream about all through junior high school. And high school. And maybe for the first year after I left Peach Tree.
“Men can be oblivious,” Piper says. “Besides, he’s been busy raising Ella these past 8 years. That’s not a bad excuse for not noticing the hot girl next door who’s been crushing on him.”
I roll my eyes. “Shut up,” I mutter. “Don’t make me regret telling you.”
Piper shrugs. “Maybe this is the perfect opportunity for you to shoot your shot.”
I shake my head, wishing I’d just sent her a text and avoided this conversation altogether.
“I can’t,” I say.
“Why not?” she asks.
Rolling my eyes, I set my coffee cup on the table, and I shift to face her. “Because you’re my best friend. My only friend in this whole town. And I’ve lived here for most of my life, so that should tell you something. And you’re marrying Linc’s best friend.”
When Piper just looks at me without saying anything, I sigh. “If he turned me down, I’d have to live with seeing him every time I go to Peach Fuzz, and every time I hang out with you and Luke. And in a town this small, every time I go to the freaking grocery store. No, thank you.”
She looks at me for a moment before responding. “So, you’re a chicken shit?”
I reach for my coffee cup. “Basically.”
She waits until I’ve taken a sip and settled back against the couch again. “Don’t use our friendship as a reason not to go after what you want,” she says softly. “If he’s worth 20 years of infatuation, maybe you should see if he’s worth more. Just a suggestion.”
I sigh. “You’re not an excuse. I love our friendship, Piper. And no, I don’t think my crush on Linc would mess that up. The truth is, I don’t think I could take it if I finally told him, and he turned me down. It’s easier to live with the wanting.”
I hate myself for the catch in my voice and the burning in my eyes. I haven’t cried in years, and certainly not over a boy. Piper’s arms come around me and she pulls me against her for a sideways hug.
“I get it,” she says. “I respect whatever decision you make. But just know that I think he’d be lucky to have you.”
I smile, reaching up to put a hand on her arm that’s wrapped around me.
Piper releases me. She’s quiet for a moment before she says, “What are you going to do about the house?” Her voice is gentle, as if she’s worried I might break.
I force a smile. “The same thing I’ve been doing for the past six years. The timeline might have changed, but my goals haven’t. First off, I need to prove to my clients that I can still do the work they expect, even with this setback. I’m sure Dottie has been busy letting everyone in town know about what happened.”
Piper winces. “Actually, she was here this morning.”
My stomach drops, though I shouldn’t be surprised. “What did she say?”
“Nothing directly to me,” Piper says. “But I overheard her talking to a group of ladies from the church and telling them that your shop is practically destroyed and that you might not be able to reopen.”
“What?!” I practically shout the word before remembering I’m in public. I get an odd look from the new barista at the counter, but Piper gives the kid a smile and a wave to let him know everything is okay and he turns back to stocking the shelf.