Page 25 of My First Kiss
I try not to watch him while he’s on the phone, but I’m nosy. Besides, the room is small, and he doesn’t leave it to find a more private area for his conversation. It’s impossible not to hear.
“Is she okay?”
I feel a stab of worry. Is he talking about Ella? Did something happen? But Linc doesn’t look as concerned as I think most parents would be if their kid was hurt. Not that I have a lot of experience in that department. My own father was gone before I turned 2 and my mother worked so much that she was rarely home to notice me. Linc is nodding now.
“No, I know,” he says. “It’s totally fine. You’re needed at the restaurant. Just bring her by Harlow’s place. We’re close to wrapping up for the night anyway.”
I feel a little pang at the thought that my time with Linc is nearly over for the day. It feels like he only just got here. But something obviously happened that requires Cole to go into work on his night off. Which means Ella needs her dad at home. I try to get Linc’s attention to tell him that he can go ahead and go home if he needs to, but he ignores me. He ends the call with his brother and turns to look at me with a sheepish smile.
“That was Cole,” he says.
“I figured.”
“One of the bartenders twisted her ankle and needs to go get it checked out, so he needs to go fill in for her,” he says.
I wince. “Is she okay?”
Linc nods. “He sounded like it’s probably not serious. But she’s getting x-rays as a precaution.”
I nod. “Good idea. So, do you need to go?”
“Not just yet,” he says, turning back to the panel. “Cole’s bringing Ella here. He picked her up after school today because I was still working. But it won’t take me long to finish what I’m doing. I hope that’s okay?”
I blink. “Of course, it is. This is a kid friendly salon.”
He laughs. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just know that some people get irritated when kids are underfoot. Especially at a place of business.”
I shrug. “This isn’t that kind of business. And I’m not that kind of person. I love kids. I can’t wait to meet her.”
I don’t know where all this is coming from. I mean, I do love kids. Even though technically the only kids I know are the ones who come to me with their parents for a haircut. Most of them behave well and get a lollipop at the end. But I haven’t spent any prolonged time with a kid since I was a kid myself. I’m not sure I liked many of them back then. I’m suddenly a little nervous about meeting Linc’s daughter. What if she’s awful? What if she hates me? What if she hates me and that makes Linc decide he hates me too? Why do I suddenly feel the intense need to be liked by an eight-year-old?
Linc smiles, oblivious to my inner turmoil. “She’s going to love you.”
I manage to nod. “I hope so.”
Chapter 11
Harlow walks to the front of the store to unlock the door before returning to help me work. Less than 10 minutes later, we hear the front door open, and Cole calls my name.
“Back here,” I call out.
I’m leaning over my tool box, searching for my wire stripper when I hear footsteps.
Ella’s voice calls out from behind me a second before she throws her arms around my neck, squeezing for all she’s worth. I can’t help but laugh as I pull her around for a hug. I give her an extra squeeze that makes her giggle before setting her on her feet. I take in her wild curls and the smudge of what looks like chocolate on her shirt.
“Did you have fun with Uncle Cole today?”
Her eyes light up and she nods. “Yep! We threw axes and had ice cream and Uncle Cole let me drive—”
“He did what?” I interrupt, looking around for my brother.
Cole is laughing from the doorway. “Way to sell me out, kid. And after I let you win.”
“You didn’t let me win,” Ella says, sticking her tongue out at Cole. “I’m just better than you.”