Page 15 of My Last Fling
She rolls her eyes. “I told you already. I want to elope.”
I point a finger at her. “You shut your mouth, missy. No more talk of eloping.”
“Ugh,” she says. “Fine. But I’m not deciding how my bridesmaids wear their hair. I’ve already made a million decisions about this wedding. From flowers to tablecloths and the freaking forks. The forks! Why is that my decision? They’re forks!”
I want to laugh, but I’m worried my sister is spiraling into anxiety attack land and I need to rein her in before it gets that far.
“Piper, chill,” I say. “I can handle those kinds of trivial things if you need me to. And Harlow and I will sort out our own hair if you truly don’t care what we do. But try to relax and enjoy this. You’re marrying a man you love who adores you. This is a good thing.”
She sighs. “You’re right. I’m being ridiculous. Besides, Luke has helped me so much with the planning. He’s the one who found the wedding planner for me. It’s one of his sister’s new in-laws. She’s been amazing.”
“I’m sure if you told her you don’t want to be involved in the minute details like silverware, she’d be happy to make those decisions for you,” I say.
“Oh, this was before we hired Hannah,” Piper says. “Actually, I think the fork thing was the final straw. When Luke witnessed my meltdown, he called Mya right away and asked for Hannah’s help. She’s been a godsend. Even from two states away. But she’ll be there the entire weekend of the wedding. I know I’m going to need all the help I can get to keep it together.”
“Everything is going to be perfect,” Harlow says. “Even if it’s not, it doesn’t matter. Because the important thing is that you’re marrying the person who’s perfect for you. All the other stuff doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right,” Piper says. “I need to trust that. Even if everything else has me anxious, I know I’ve got one thing right.”
I smile at my sister, wishing I could find a way to take away the worry and stress she’s feeling. I’d gladly take on all the wedding planning duties if I could. But she’s already found someone to do that, and she’s still stressed. I wonder if I can come up with something to help her relax before she forgets that her wedding is supposed to be fun. As we hug goodbye and I walk to my car, I add ‘Help Piper de-stress’ to my mental to-do list.
Chapter 8
I take extra care with my appearance tonight, knowing Layna’s back in town. It’s been a month since we fucked. Which means it’s been a month since I had more than my own hand to satisfy me. It’s been a long month. Layna was here two weeks ago visiting her sister, but we couldn’t find a way to sneak away together. This time, I’m determined to find a way to get back between those pretty thighs. Even if it’s just a quickie in my office.
By the time Linc and I get to Peach Fuzz, the place is packed. I’d known it would be. It’s a weekend night, after all. But Linc hasn’t left the house except for work in weeks, so I decided to drag him out with me for at least one drink. If Layna happens to be here with her sister, that’s just a convenient coincidence.
Several people greet me and Linc as we walk in and make our way up to the bar. I get the attention of Alex, one of our newest bartenders. She nods in my direction before grabbing two beers from the well under the counter and handing them to me.
“Thanks, Alex,” I say.
“No problem, boss,” she says with a smile.
I roll my eyes. “Just Cole.”
“Whatever you say, boss.”
I decide to let the ‘boss’ thing go, for now. Some of my employees think it’s funny to fuck with me. They tell the new hires that I only like to be called boss and that I’ll get angry if they call me by my first name. I look over and see my other bartender Tony watching my interaction with Alex and laughing. I glare at him, pointing two fingers at my eyes and then back to him. But he just laughs harder. I sigh, turning back to my brother to hand him one of the beers.
“Thanks, boss,” Linc says, grinning.
He shrugs. “I think it suits you.”
“Shut up.”
I turn and survey the room. To anyone else, it probably looks like I’m just checking on my place of business and making sure nothing is amiss. And I am. Mostly. If I’m also scanning the room looking for a certain tall brunette with fuck-me eyes and a mouth made for kissing, no one needs to know. I spot her almost immediately. She’s sitting in a booth talking animatedly with Piper and Harlow. I’m not shocked to see her here. It’s common for the three of them to come here for drinks whenever Layna comes into town. Still, something about my first sight of her threatens to steal my breath. I try not to focus on that feeling as I direct Linc’s attention to the table of women.
“Look who it is,” I say.
Linc goes still beside me as he looks in their direction.
“Let’s go say hi,” I say.