Page 36 of My Last Fling
“Like him, huh?” I say, trying to keep my tone normal. “That’s a good thing, right?”
She looks thoughtful. “Yeah.” She nods. “I think so.”
“You think?” I press. “What’s that mean?”
She sighs. “It means I’m not sure. He seems perfect on paper. We get along. He’s funny and cute. He’s a gentleman. But what if all that’s fake? What if he turns out to be a jerk? What if I get invested and he doesn’t feel the same way about me? This is hard.”
She looks so worried and nervous that my heart squeezes in my chest. I hate seeing her so unsure of herself. I’m used to the strong, confident, bold woman who spent more than a year bossing me around every chance she got. I’d be lying if I said I like hearing her wax poetic over another man. It’s not an ideal circumstance, but I do my best to overlook that and instead focus on reassuring her. She’s my friend and she needs a pep talk.
“That could happen,” I say. “There’s no guarantee in anything in life. But it could just as easily go the other way. He might turn out to be exactly what you think he is. And he might like you just as much as you like him. You’re never going to know unless you give it a shot. Who knows? This guy might turn out to be the one.”
The words burn my throat on the way out and I barely manage to utter them without making a face. The one? Seriously? Am I really pushing her to fall in love with another guy? I must be some sort of masochist.
“He is a good kisser,” she admits in a low voice.
A rushing sound fills my ears, blocking out the noisy restaurant around me. He kissed her. The son-of-a-bitch kissed her. I try to remember what he looks like from the picture on his dating profile. When the image of his blonde hair and car salesman smile comes to my mind, I immediately envision Layna in his arms, his mouth on hers. The sudden anger that surges through me shocks me. I don’t know why I’m angry. Of course, they kissed. People kiss. Especially after three dates. It makes perfect sense. So, why am I so enraged by the idea of it? Hadn’t I known she’d kiss someone else eventually? Hell, I’ve been pushing her to date different men for weeks now. So, why am I so bothered by the idea of her kissing one of them?
Because you never thought she’d really move on without you.
The thought flits through my head briefly and I push it aside. It’s ridiculous, anyway. We were never a couple. Of course, she moved on. I not only gave her permission to move on; I encouraged it. I helped her to do it. I have no right to be angry about it now. With a strength of will I didn’t know I possessed; I muster up a smile that I hope is believable.
“That’s great,” I say. “It sounds like things are going well.”
She nods, but she still looks unsure. “Yeah. I guess they are.”
“Layna, this is a good thing,” I say. “This guy seems like he’s perfect for you.”
I hate the words as they leave my mouth. I hate even more that they might be true. I’ve always known she would never be mine—not truly. So, why is the realization that I was right hitting me so hard right now?
I force a laugh. “Hey, maybe I should give that app a try. Since it’s working so well for everyone I know.”
Layna’s wide eyes shoot up to meet mine and her mouth drops open. “You want to find a serious girlfriend?”
I shrug. “Maybe. Why not?”
I’d meant it as a joke. A way to steer the conversation away from her and Michael. Because there’s no way I’m joining a dating site and trying to find a girlfriend. I don’t want to meet someone new. I don’t want to learn someone’s likes and dislikes or their hopes and dreams. I’ve already done that. With the woman across the table from me. The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. The reason I can’t see myself with another woman is because Layna is the only woman I want. And she’s the one I can’t have.
When did this happen? How did this happen? I mean, I’ve always liked Layna. That’s not a shock. I’ve always desired her. That didn’t go away just because we stopped fooling around. But what I’m feeling right now isn’t like or desire. It’s a possessive need to claim her as my own. To know that she’s mine. Is it just jealousy because she’s moving on? Or is it something else? I don’t know. And I don’t know how to figure it out.
“I didn’t think you wanted that,” she says.
I shrug. “I didn’t think I did either. But people change.”
She nods, picking at her fries. “Yeah. I guess they do.”
Chapter 17
“What about Linc and Ella?” Layna asks, peering over at me from the passenger side of my truck.
“They’re at Harlow’s shop,” I say, pulling to a stop in the driveway. “I told them I had to work tonight.”
“You lied to your brother?” she asks.