Page 41 of My Last Fling
He laughs. "I would tease you more, but you're already so miserable it takes the fun out of it."
I want to give him some smartass retort, but he's right. I'm pathetic.
"The thing is," I say, "she wants what I want. I know she does. She told me. She wants to settle down and start a life with someone. Start a family. All of it. She just doesn't thinkI'mcapable of it."
"So, show her you are." he says with a shrug.
He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Like I haven’t been wracking my brain trying to come up with a way to convince Layna to give me a real chance.
"How?" I ask.
My brother grins at me and waggles his eyebrows. "Woo her."
Part Two
Chapter 19
I don’t know how the hell my brother expects me to woo Layna. I’ve never wooed a woman in my life. I don’t know the first fucking thing about trying to get a woman to fall for me. My main strengths have always been my good looks and my charming personality. But I’d always been aiming to get a woman to sleep with me. Not to fall for me. And a woman like Layna doesn’t fall easily. If she did, I have a feeling she’d already have done it. Didn’t we just spend more than a year making one another come as often as possible? If that didn’t work, what else am I supposed to do?
When I’d said this to Linc, he’d laughed and rolled his eyes at me.
“You’ve got to do more than just give her orgasms,” he’d said. “She can get those with a vibrator.”
“So, what do I do? You landed Harlow, so you must know something.”
He’d laughed at me again. “I think that was just dumb luck on my part. But I’ll tell you one thing. In a relationship, all anyone really wants is to feel like they matter to the other person. That means listening. Paying attention to the details. Showing her that you care about what’s important to her. Showing up for her when she needs you to.”
That conversation took place three days ago and I’m still trying to figure out what I need to do to convince Layna that I’m right for her instead of Mr. Third Date. Linc’s advice is solid, but it’s also nothing I haven’t been doing all along. I’ve always paid attention to what’s happening in Layna’s life. I’ve always tried to be there for her. Hadn’t I helped her get out of that date with Dillon, the weirdo? I remember her birthday and her favorite ice cream flavor. Hell, one time she’d asked me to come over for sex and before I got there, she started her period. I’d offered to go buy her tampons. If those aren’t the actions of a caring boyfriend, I don’t know what is.
So, what do I need to do to convince her? The wedding is this weekend and I’m running out of time to make my move. I’m worried she’s going to be all caught up in the romance of Piper and Luke proclaiming their love for one another that she’ll do something rash. Like sleep with her new lawyer boyfriend. The thought of it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I know I can’t be angry at her for moving on with her life, especially because I never gave her any indication that I wanted to be with her for real. Maybe that’s what I need to do. Maybe I need to just tell her how I feel. Spell it out in no uncertain terms.
Just look her in the eyes and say, “Layna, I’m in love with you. What do you say we go on a date?”
I roll my eyes at my own stupid thoughts. I can’t do that. Too much has happened between us. She’ll think I’m just jealous of her new relationship. I think about Linc’s words from the other day and wince. Even my own brother had wondered if I was just bothered by the thought of losing her to someone else. If Linc hadn’t believed me, how can I expect Layna to? I can’t. So, I need to find a way to show her instead of telling her. Actions speak louder than words, right?
Maybe tonight is my chance. We’re all meeting up at Peach Fuzz for one last hangout before the happy couple gets married. It’s the place where Layna and I met and the place we first hooked up. That’s got to be some kind of good luck symbol, right? It can’t hurt to remind her of all the good times we’ve had at Peach Fuzz. Maybe the memories of the past year will help.
By the time I walk into Peach Fuzz, I’m feeling more nervous than ever. I haven’t seen Layna since lunch the other day when I realized I’m in love with her. I’m not sure I know how to act around her now. It seems so ridiculous to try and act normal around her when all I want to do is kiss her. How am I supposed to pretend everything is the same when my whole world is changed?
When Layna walks in, I can’t help but stare at her. She’s gorgeous, but then I’ve known that since the night we met. So, why does just looking at her cause an ache in my chest? Why is it so hard to look away from her? Is this what love is supposed to feel like? Because if so, I’m not sure I like it. Or maybe it feels like this because it’s one-sided. If I knew she loved me too, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt so much. Right?
I’m nervous as the six of us gather at our usual table, drinks in hand. I take the seat across from Layna, making the numbers even. It also gives me the opportunity to look at her as much as I want. Besides, I don’t trust myself to sit next to her. I’m worried I might do something crazy, like give in to my need to kiss her.
“You ready for the big day?” Linc asks Luke.
Luke just smiles and gives Piper an adoring look. “I’ve been ready to marry her for months. I can’t wait.”
All three women go gooey at Luke’s words, the ‘awws’ unanimous. Linc and I just smile. Luke’s a lucky bastard, being certain that Piper loves him as much as he loves her. Linc, too. He and Harlow are just as sickeningly in love. I lift my glass to my lips and take a deep drink of the dark liquor, welcoming the burn. Maybe if I drink enough of it, it’ll replace the ache in my chest.
“I’m happy for you both,” Linc says. “Just think, the next time we all meet here, you’ll be husband and wife.”
Piper smiles and leans her head on Luke’s shoulder. He kisses the top of her head. They look so peaceful and happy. I’m shocked by the intense envy that hits me as I watch them. To my right, Harlow and Linc are holding hands. I’ve never felt more like a fifth wheel than I do right now. My gaze goes to Layna as I wonder if she feels the same, but her expression is unreadable. I know she started dating because she wanted what our friends have; what her sister has. Has she found it already with Michael? Am I too late?
“I can’t believe my baby sister is getting married,” Layna says.
“I know,” Piper says, turning to her sister. “It feels weird to get married before you. Remember when we were kids and we used to imagine our big double wedding?”