Page 43 of My Last Fling
I smile. “Thanks, Linc. You know I’m happy for you and Harlow, right?”
He grins. “I know. She’s amazing.”
I nod. “Yeah. She’s too good for you.”
He laughs. “That’s why I’m going to marry her before she figures it out.”
Shock slams into me and I turn to stare at my brother, eyes wide. “Seriously?”
He nods, his smile wide. “I bought a ring last week. I’m taking her for a surprise trip after the wedding. Mom’s keeping Ella for me.”
“Holy shit!”
“I know,” he agrees. “Be cool though because no one else knows. I want to surprise her.”
“I can keep a secret,” I say. “Trust me.”
“I didn’t think you could before our little talk the other day,” he says. “Shocked the hell out of me.”
“Wait,” I say. “Were you not going to tell me because you thought I wouldn’t be able to keep it to myself?”
He laughs. “Maybe.”
“I’m kidding,” he laughs. “I was always going to tell you. You’re going to be the best man, after all.”
I smile at my brother. “I’m honored.” Something else occurs to me and I hold up a hand. “Wait, did you tell Mom? Since she’s keeping Ella?”
He shakes his head. “No. But I think she suspects. She got all weepy when I asked her if Ella could stay with her for a week.”
“She knows,” I say. “She always knows.”
“How does she do that?” Linc asks.
The bartender puts the last of the drinks on the bar in front of me and I smile my thanks.
“No idea. It’s sorcery,” I say.
Linc and I gather up the drinks and head back toward the table where they others are still laughing and talking.
“Thanks,” I say before we get too close to the others.
“For what?” he asks.
“Talking me out of my funk. Reminding me to stop wallowing. This is a happy night and me being mopey is just going to ruin it.”
Linc smiles. “Anytime.”
When we return to the table and hand out the drinks, it’s clear the others have carried on the conversation about Michael and Layna in my absence. Not that I’m complaining. I’m glad I missed it. I can see that Layna looks a little tense. She’s probably tired of being the center of attention. I know her well enough to know she hates that.
“Well, Cole,” Piper says. “That just leaves you.”
My gaze shoots to hers, questioning.
“Just leaves me for what?” I ask, unsure of what she’s talking about.
“You’re the only one still single,” she clarifies.