Page 49 of My Last Fling
His smile widens just a little and he offers me his free hand.
“Nice to meet you, Layna,” he says.
“And this is Garrett,” she adds.
“Nice to meet you both,” I say.
Garrett shakes my hand before wrapping an arm around Claire who leans into his embrace.
“We should get him upstairs,” Ronan says, nodding toward the sleeping baby in his arms.
Quinn nods. “Before he wakes up hungry and cranky,” she agrees. Turning to me, she smiles. “Layna, it was nice meeting you. Let’s find time to hang out for coffee or a drink or something this weekend?”
I nod, smiling. “I’d love that.”
“Count me in!” Claire says.
Slowly, the lobby begins to empty enough for me to make my way to the desk to check in. I didn’t get a chance to talk to my sister before she and Luke disappeared upstairs, but I’ll have plenty of time with her in the next couple of days. For now, I can’t wait to get to my room and relax before the celebration starts in full.
Chapter 21
I can’t believe she invited him. I know she said she was going to, but I’m still surprised she did it. I also can’t believe he accepted. Who brings a date to her sister’s rehearsal dinner when she barely knows the guy? And what kind of man agrees to come to something like that after only a couple of weeks of dating? Aren’t these things usually reserved for the wedding party and immediate family? I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but it feels true. I make a mental note to look it up later.
Not that it matters.Michaelis still here. Seated next to Layna. Where I should be. Where I could have been if I’d taken Linc’s advice and been less of a chicken shit and just told Layna how I felt. Or, she could have turned me down and this would be the world’s most awkward rehearsal dinner. I eat my steak in silence while I debate whether that would be better or worse than my current circumstances. Layna laughs at something Michael says and I grind my teeth. This is worse.
After my arrival last night, I’d gone to my room and crashed early. This morning I met my brother and Harlow for breakfast before going for a walk along the riverfront. The city is beautiful this time of year. It’s early spring and the flowers are starting to bloom. The oppressive heat and humidity of summer hasn’t started up yet and the summertime vacation crowds haven’t descended on the city yet.
The ceremony rehearsal had gone perfectly. It hadn’t been overly serious with Linc and me cracking jokes to keep the mood light. It hadn’t stopped Layna from getting teary-eyed at seeing her sister and Luke standing at the altar, gazing into each other’s eyes. Hell, I even felt myself getting a little emotional. Not that I’d let anyone see it. That would threaten to ruin my image.
Now, we’re at the rehearsal dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. It’s closed for our event, but the dining room is filled with people since Luke wanted his entire extended family to join us. I’m glad for the distraction because I’m currently seated at a table with the entire wedding party—plusMichael. Why the hell had she invited him? I try to remember if she’d told us about this last night, but I don’t remember her mentioning it. Maybe it came up while I was at the bar getting us drinks? Either way, seeing him with his arm around Layna earlier had come as a complete shock. Then I’d had to smile and shake his hand when I secretly wanted to punch his smug face.
He shook my hand and smiled when Layna introduced me as Luke’s best friend. Not that she could have introduced me as anything else. What was she supposed to say? “This is Cole, my former orgasm buddy? But don’t worry, that’s all in the past.” I stifle a laugh as I picture his reaction to that. It would wipe the smile off his face, I’m sure.
“Michael, did you grow up in Georgia?” Piper asks, making me grind my teeth in irritation.
She’s clearly just trying to be nice to her sister’s newfriend. I refuse to think of him as her boyfriend. They’ve only been dating for a few weeks. It’s too soon for labels like that, right? I didn’t hear her introduce him as her boyfriend. But they certainly seem cozy. Too cozy for people who’ve only been dating a few weeks. I wonder if they’re sleeping together. As soon as the thought enters my mind, I push it out. The last thing I need to do is picture Layna with someone else that way. Besides, I tell myself, it’s not my business. No matter how I feel about Layna, she made it clear that she doesn’t see me that way.
“Near Macon,” Michael answers, nodding. “My family still lives there.”
“Do you come from a big family?" Harlow asks from the other side of the table.
He nods again, and I saw into my steak with more force than needed.
“I’m the oldest of three brothers,” he says. “One is in college in South Carolina and the other just got into medical school.”
“Your parents must be so proud,” Piper says. “A doctor and a lawyer in the family!”
He chuckles. “They sure are.”
I chew my steak without tasting it, trying to focus on anything but Layna’s successful lawyerfriendbragging about his successful family. I’m sure owning a restaurant isn’t considered successful in the eyes of someone like him. I briefly wonder if Layna feels the same way. But no. She’s not like that. She’s never been anything but supportive of Peach Fuzz.
I know she walked away from a successful career as a corporate lawyer in Atlanta, but she’s never acted like she’s better than anyone in Peach Tree. She’s also never made a big deal about her career or her title. If anything, she downplays how amazing she is at her job. Besides, she brags about her sister’s coffee shop every chance she gets. It’s obvious how proud she is of Piper.
I know it’s just my own insecurity making me think things like that. And jealousy. I’m man enough to admit I’m jealous of Michael spending time with Layna. I’m jealous of the fact that he gets to sit near her. I’m jealous of him getting to touch her and put his arms around her. I’m jealous of the fact that she’s offering him a bite of pasta off her plate. I look away before I can watch him eat from her fork. There are some things that can’t be unseen.
My mind goes back to last night and the way Layna had rested her head on my shoulder. The way she’d sighed as she relaxed her body against mine. The way she said she missed me. The intensity of the longing for her hits me like a punch to the gut and I can’t take anymore. Maybe I could use a little fresh air. I smile over at Harlow who’s seated across the table from me and excuse myself to use the restroom. I don’t actually need to go. I just can’t sit here, and watch Layna fall for this guy. Maybe when I get back, it’ll be time for dessert, which will be that much closer to this awkward dinner ending.