Page 83 of My Last Fling
“You were wrong this morning,” I say. “When I said I wanted someone safe to build a life with. You thought that was me saying I don’t want to be with you, but that’s not it at all. That’s what I was trying to tell you before, but I messed it up. The truth is that I’ve been scared my whole adult life. Scared to let someone in. Scared to fall in love. Scared to lose someone else. I didn’t want someone to mean so much to me that losing them would break me.”
Another choked laugh escapes me. My heart clenches painfully and I know I need to tell him all of it before I can’t get the words out. Taking a deep breath, I try to steady myself for what I’m about to say.
“Cole, somehow, you've become the person I can't live without. I wasn’t looking for it and I don’t know how it happened or when it happened. And honestly, it scares the shit out of me. But you're the person I want beside me when all my dreams come true. Or when my whole world falls apart. Because I know you'll help me put it back together again. I know, without even asking, that you'll be right there beside me.”
I focus on a spot somewhere over his left shoulder, unable to look at his face to gauge his expression. I realize my words are coming too fast, but I can’t seem to stop them from spilling out. But I know if I don’t get this out, I might never work up the nerve to try again. So, I keep talking.
“I didn't get it at first,” I say. “Not for a long time. I didn't understand what that deep faith in another person meant. But I do now. I know what I said before. That I don't need anyone. That I'd be fine on my own. And maybe that’s true. Maybe I’ll be fine on my own. But I don’t want to be fine, Cole. I don’t want to settle for fine just because it’s easier and safer and less scary. I want more than that. And the truth is that I don’t think I can be happy without you.
“Just being around you makes me smile. You’re like the sun and I couldn’t help but be pulled into your gravitational field. I’m drawn to you. I always have been. Since that first night. And I know that sounds crazy and I know you’re going to tell me it was just sex. It’s always been just sex with us. And I know that was my rule. I know that. But that’s not what this is now. Because I need you.”
I feel my throat go tight with emotion and I’m worried I won’t be able to get the words out before the tears come along to choke me. Swallowing hard, I tell him the truth I’ve been hiding from for all these months. I hadn’t even realized we’d stopped dancing. We’re standing still in the middle of the dance floor as other dancers move around us, casting strange looks our way. But I don’t look at them. I turn my watery gaze to Cole. He’s looking at me now, those intense brown eyes that have always held me captive locked on mine.
“I never need anybody,” I whisper as a tear tracks down my cheek. “But I need you. I'm in love with you. And I know I screwed it all up and I know it’s probably too late for you to forgive me, but I need you, Cole. I justneedyou. And I—”
He puts a finger over my lips, stopping my words.
"Shh," he says. "Layna, you have me. You always have. I’m sorry for what I said before. I didn’t mean it. I was angry and scared. The truth is, I think I’ve been in love with you since that first night. Back when you thought I was the server and you still flirted with me.”
“I didn’t flirt with you,” I mutter out of habit.
“Liar,” he says, giving me that grin I love.
His hand moves to cup my cheek and I’m struck by what I see in his eyes.
“I love you, Layna. I always have. I’ve just been waiting for you to catch up.”
My heart stutters in my chest as his words finally sink in. Shock steals my breath and I stand there blinking at the man I love. The man who just told me he loves me. The man who’s loved me all along. It’s so unbelievable.
“Are you sure?” I whisper as more tears fill my eyes and spill over.
His smile grows even wider.
“I’m sure,” he says as he lowers his lips to mine.
The kiss is unlike any other kiss we’ve shared. It’s tender, almost reverent. His lips are soft and slow against mine. There’s no rush, no reason to hurry to get to the next step. There’s only this moment.
Right now.
And it’s perfect.
Chapter 35
As the song ends and a more upbeat one begins playing, I lead Layna off the dance floor intending to drag her back to my room for some privacy. But we’re barely five feet from the dance floor when my brother and Harlow step into our path. They’re both grinning at us from ear to ear and I know exactly what’s about to happen.
“It’s about time you two figured your shit out,” Linc says.
Harlow points a finger at him. “Don’t think I’m not still pissed at you for not telling me about this.”
Linc sighs. “I said I was sorry, baby. I couldn’t break my word.”
“It’s my fault,” I say. “I was too much of a chicken shit to tell Layna how I felt, and I put him in the middle of it. I made him swear not to tell you. Don’t be mad at him.”
Layna is watching this byplay with interest. I know she’s probably wondering what I told Linc and when. And I’ll tell her everything. Later. When I can get her alone and out of that dress.
“I just like giving him a hard time,” Harlow says with a wink. “I’m happy for you two.”