Page 13 of Prince Of Sloth
“For all you know, it’s all a lie and I ordered out. You were asleep.” I couldn’t hold back the smile that the scrunch of her nose brought out of me.
“I woke up because you were loud. Pots and pans slammed around for thirty minutes before I got up.”
She took another large bite, slurping a noodle, then licked the rich tomato sauce from her lips. I shot her an accusatory look and took a pull from my water bottle.
“You waited for half an hour before coming out?”
“I didn’t want to get roped into helping.” She shrugged. “And I was enjoying the free concert. You sing while you cook.”
I chuckled and shook my head. “After last night, how could I not sing?”
My flattery turned her cheeks bright red, which brought back the image of her writhing in pleasure. Her body melting easily in my hands and giving into my every command. It had been too long since I’d taken a being to my bed, and longer still since I’d enjoyed bringing someone to the brink of madness.
“The shower today wasn’t lyric worthy?” she teased.
“A whole record, beautiful.” I gave her a wink, and I swore I saw her wiggle in a small show of hubris.
* * *
Eli lounged in the VIP booth surrounded by beautiful humans. The duke of Hell didn’t need the gifts of the princes to be a beacon for the lust- and alcohol-fueled patrons of The Deacon.
Sitri and his Reaper sat across from Eli, their arms wrapped around each other. The swoonful displays of affection occupied their attention and blocked out the busy club around them. Ezequiel was at the bar with Stolas and his newest human companion. It seemed that all of my brothers were dwelling in new bliss.
I watched Pru dancing with a group of strangers. I’d borrowed the dress she was wearing from Sitri’s massive guest closet, deterring her from leaving and drawing any attention from the Hunter sulking outside.
Alessio had spelled me with a tracking beacon; I’d found out the hard way that it meant that every soul I’d collected would be a breadcrumb to my whereabouts. I hadn’t taken a soul since figuring it out. With Pru at my side, I could use her as a distraction or, if the situation escalated, a shield.
I needed Pru in my sight until Eli could procure a solution, however long that process would be.
If only I could get the duke to focus on me and not the woman currently dry humping him. The longer I sat waiting, the more anger brewed in my chest.
Music thrummed through the souls of everyone around us, entrancing them to move, touch, and feel as much as their bodies could handle. The low moans coming from the booth behind us proved how powerful Sitri had become in his new happiness. The magnitude of his influence flowed to every nook of The Deacon, and as such to my Pru.
The human man grinding against Pru’s ass was rich, powerful in the human world, and handsome. Even with every luxury at his fingertips, I knew she had no interest in him over me, but the beast in my chest was not convinced enough to not demand that I rip off every one of his limbs. Each moment that she was touching someone else, the tighter the muscles in my fist and shoulders wound. He had his filthy hands on what was mine.
“I heard the Prince of Envy had resurfaced.” Eli chuckled, finally freed from the lap dance he’d been receiving. “He was missing for so long, I was starting to suspect he’d been truly vanquished. Any chance you’ve taken on some of his traits in his absence?”
I peeled my gaze away from Pru. “The sooner you cloak me from the Hunter, the safer The Deacon will be from my steadfast destruction.” I tried—and failed miserably—to sound casual.
“You are not as bad as most.” Eli gave a side-eyed glance to Sitri, who was obnoxiously slobbering all over his new plaything. “But I can help you. For a price.”
He looked over at Pru, who had moved over to the one-man bar to grab an iced water. She’d chosen to be sober for her future and to save her reputation. It was an admirable trait to slay your own monsters and save yourself.
“I already own her soul,” I glowered at Eli. “Choose someone else.”
“You don’t care for anyone else.”
I cut him a lethal glance only to find him smug and imperious. He was masterful in the act of finding a being’s weak spot and gouging it until it bled for him.
“I need her just in case your magic isn’t strong enough.” I took a pull from the second whiskey I’d ordered in the half hour of being down here.
He considered me. “My magic has never failed. Especially not against a human foe.”
“Choose someone else,” I repeated darkly.
Eli passed a curious glance between Pru and me again before amending his conditions. “Fine.” He smirked at his own cunning. “The Hunter has a book in his arsenal that I want for my collection. It’s bound by the hide of a hellhound and close to six hundred years old. You’ll know it when you see it because it will know you.”
I threw my hands out in exasperation. “The point of asking you for help was to avoid the Hunter, not confront or steal from him.”